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Patsy's Pizzeria, 61 W 74th St. in Manhattan between Columbus and Central Park West. Used to go there with my ex every time I visited her. Its a sit-down classy place with amazing entrees other than pizza (try the linguine pescatore). She's from the Bronx so we drank at Bronx Ale House a lot, up on 238th if you make it up there.


Definitely hit the museums; MOMA, Natural History Museum, etc. Spend time in Central Park. Avoid Times Square like the plague, everything there sucks. Visit the Apple store. Go to the South Street Seaport. One of the best dates I've ever been on was getting a couple bottles of wine and riding the Staten Island Ferry there and back.


Do not miss the opportunity to go to a Yankee's game. This coming from a Red Sox fan.

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MOMA is awesome, as stated above. Eat at Carn. Deli, see a play. It doesn't have to be Broadway, off Broadway is good too. Ride the subway, look at street performers and give them money. Be a tourist and make a big deal out of every celebrity you see. :)
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Are you going alone? Or with someone?

If that someone is a Lady friend, I HIGHLY suggest the Alexander McQueen exhibit at The Met. My sister works at the Met and helped to put this exhibit together.



The historical aspect of Ellis Island is truely amazing, and awe inspiring. (reccomend the audio tour guide) Although its sad the state of the non used buildings that they hid from your view with solid shades over windows. you will be searched as thoroughly as you are at the airport to go here, if not more, just an FYI, and the same rules apply


Empire state building is really cool. I have to be honest, we paid forthe EXPRESS ticket which is another 15 bucks a person, and pretty much bipassed the whole line, and made it only an hour excursion, most of which were spent up on the upper floors. View is amazing, and you are ridiculously high. Without the express pass, we would have stood in line for at least 1-3 hours prior to going up. The elevator is SLOW- or at least its slow for a building that big. (its getting an upgrade soon!)


We have done a few scavenger hunts through Watsons Adventures. Thats pretty cool.


Brooklyn Museum has weird exhibits, that are unique. (Murikami used to be there, he's creepy) Looks like Vishnu is a big exhibit right now. Sister used to work here too, thats i learned about this museum, its big and nice.

I hvae ate at a few of the Top 5 Restaurants (based on Zagats, in the years we did this, which was like 2003 and 2005, i think)in NYC, and loved them and though they were worth every penny.

Rosa Mexicana -Guac made at your table, awesome

Gotham Bar and Grille - cant recall what we had, but it was the first time i had ever had a 5 star resturant, and it was awersome.


Few Things--

Buy a unlimted subway pass, you will use it. (the ride all you want 20 dollar card, i think)

Drinks are expensive, little shops usually give you a glass and a can, for 2.75. No refills.

Wear sunscreen, those buildings reflect the sun like crazy.

Wear GOOD walking shoes. Your feet will be exhausted, i promise you.

The food in NYC is amazing. There are shops everywhere, do youself a favor and if you ahve a smart phone, get UrbanSpoon and Yelp. VERY helpful for fiding food near you whereever you are.

3G in NYC is slow, Apple overrun.

If you have time, see if you can get tickets to a show you like that broadcast there, (Dave Letterman, ESPN, wahtever, usually that can take 4-6 weeks, but sometimes you get lucky) Nathan saw Conan live when he was still there, and I saw Martha Stewart live as well.


Pan handlers are EVERWHERE, especially near ATMs. you will learn to ignore them, easily.


Walk with the masses, dont cross walk, if you are driving.. ULTIMATE PATIENCE is needed. I have driven there a few times, mostly, i was ok, but prepare for non stop horns, and have money for the tunnels if you are going to go in and out of town.

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Right here by central park now, just walked probably 10 miles at least just killing time. Very big city for sure. Here by myself actually. That pizza place is less than a mile from me so Ill be sure to check that out. Definitely going to see ground zero and probably swing by Times square for the hek of it just to say I was there.

Nintendo store very close too Ill be sure to go there as well ha.

The museums ill definitely have to hit yes. Im sure in my 2 weeks time Ill manage to hit everything for sure

Next week Ill hit the Statue of Liberty tour stuff and on Sunday hit a Yank game for sure.

Looks like that FAO Schwartz toy store is less than a stone throw away too.

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FAO Schwartz is pretty cool. I didn't know about the Nintendo Store, so I missed that.


About Ground Zero... When I visited (about 3 years ago) it was literally a ~30' high fence that you couldn't see thru. There was nothing there for me to see, so don't get your hopes up in that respect. But you could go to pay your respects.


Most people are very rude. You'll be wasting your time asking for directions.

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Hah mugged, they'll either shoot me or run when they see the badge and gun lol. Owned!


I made it to FAO toys today and wow!!! The most toys ive seen in my life for reals. The Apple store glass outside is under construction so didnt see much of it. I walked down 5th and saw like every damn clothing store imaginable. I bought a bunch of Armani shit, DOHHHHHHHhhhh. Im going back tomorrow to see what else I can find.


Oh.. I saw a bunch of people with google chrome tablets and asked where I could buy them.. they said they were at some show and they were handed out FREE TO ALL THE CROWD.. *ANGRYYYYY* I seriously saw 19yr old kids walking around with free ones, I was pissed lol. Damnit!


I stopped by the Plaza hotel and made a reservation for a room with a little fridge that unlocks with a key.. thats a joke for those who got it :D

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