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So just joined today. I can now view all the other topics out of the oven, but I can't go back to my post in there why?!



Basically... you made it out of the Oven. You cannot go back until you have earned the ability to let others out....


Don't worry... you ain't missing much...





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Have you ever been on a fuckin' forum before? Use the search feature.


Neg/neutral rep for you, noob.


What is the search feature? :masturboy: I love these smilies!


Dont worry about it just know that you made it out alive. welcome


Haha thanks! But people are still posting and curious to see what they are saying.

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I don't know if I like the new nicer Paul.....
Ha ha ha. I have to say I noticed the change as well. I do not mind it one bit. He has said some funny stuff in the past though.


Will do. I'd like to get to the track soon and car shows are always fun.


Come out. There are meets on the weekends too. Also there is Grudge racing at MCIR every now and then and some people off the forum attend that as well.

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