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Strabismus (lazy eye) surgery...


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Anyone had this done or have a kid that had to have it done?


I am looking for real-world recovery stories, especially with a pre-school age kid. Would also love to hear the before-and-after stories. Anyone not happy with the results or think it was a waste?



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I have a busy week but would be happy to Talk Monday after 6pm. I work in the industry and my customers are opthamologists. We can conf in a good friend of mine who can answer any questions. If you need any glasses now or in the future just let me know. -tim


614-795-4907 cell

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My son had it done in Feb at age 5. My wife and I noticed the condition just before he turned 3. The doctors evaluated him over an 18 month period before doing the procedure. Needless to say going into the procedure was pretty nervewrecking for us. Procedure and recover took about an hour before we could get back to see him in recovery. He was still pretty drugged at first but as the meds wore off he became pretty sensitive to light. He got pretty pissed, and at one point screamed, "How dare those doctors did this to me!" Was a pretty rough day from that point on. However the next day he went back to school and seemed to be ok with the exception of the blood vessels in the corner of his eyes being broken. After a couple of weeks everything healed up and his follow up appointments told us the surgery had been a success. Even though it was pretty tense with the procedure, I have been happy with the results. Shoot me a PM if you have any questions.
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Thanks guys. My 4yo son goes under the knife at 7am Monday.


I am torn between subjecting him to crazy eyeball surgery at this age and trying to stop years of BS teasing. I hope I made the right choice.


Guy I worked with had a SERIOUSLY lazy eye. Always told the same joke to take the edge off and prevent teasing.


Him: "I ever tell you bout my special blue eyes?"

Me: "But...your eyes aren't blue"

Him: "Look closer

*points to each eye*

...one blew left and one blew right."

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Thanks guys. My 4yo son goes under the knife at 7am Monday.


I am torn between subjecting him to crazy eyeball surgery at this age and trying to stop years of BS teasing. I hope I made the right choice.



You absolutely made the right choice man. The surgery today isn't that seriously difficult. It's tough because it's your kid and he's young, but kids are very resilient in terms of recovery from both the emotional issues of it and physically recovering. Vision issues are always best tackled right away and especially when young.


Hang in there.

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i have a lazy eye. i never had the surgery but my cousin did and she still has to wear glasses. mine isn't that bad...and i'm happy with my glasses...i've been wearing them since i was 3.


eye patches suck ass. i definitely remember doing those and eye drops when i was a kid...it was like torture!


i wouldn't stress out about the surgery. kids are awesome at recovery!

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Have you tried an eye patch yet?


Yes, for over a year since he turned 3, for varying lengths (all day, several hours, 2 hours, whatever the doc said at the time).


His doctor is Dr Golden and the surgery was at Children's this morning. So far so good. I think the hunger from not eating since last night and the nausea from all the meds is probably worse than the eye pain.


I hope he thanks me some day. :fuckyeah:

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