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Tips for executing skunks within city limits?

Guest Hal

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My neighbor accidentally caught a skunk in a live trap. Decided to kill it with what is considered a humane shot, diagonally through the body of the animal, from behind. Killed the skunk, but it sprayed as soon as it was shot. Smell stayed in the neighborhood for days.
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HAHA found this somewhere else, made me laugh.


cover the skunk with a large plastic bag or piece of plastic tarp, all you would have to do is run a hose from your car exhaust (car running, of course) into the bag and let it sit for a while.

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Soak fresh fruit in antifreeze and place it in a location a bowl preferably in a location 1-2 yards away from you house to insure your dogs do not get it. My dogs won't touch fruit really thus why i use that not meat. It will cause rapid kidney failure and death. Downsideis they may die in their dent that you're saying may be on your property. Did this couple years ago with effectiveness. Diedunder my neighbors porch.


I use my pellet rifle. You can pick up a very effective virtually silent .22 cal single pump one with a scope refurb'd for $125-150. Hollow point lead hunting pellets and a good head shot. Easy. I've taken out tons of squirrels, rabbits, groundhogs and yes a skunk over the past month. The skunk was 3 yards over and sprayed immediately after being hit. Stumbled around for less than 30 seconds and dropped in the street. Hit him in the neck. A .177 hollow point would work if you get a good head shot. Depending on the range it will likely penetrate his body but not like a hi powered .22 would thus he'll be pissed and likely suffer. No big deal I suppose as he may eventually die or take a asecomd shot but the goal is to kil him quick.


Happy hunting

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100% best way to do it was the way my Uncle did it when i was a kid.


Get a live trap, get the skunk in the trap. get a big heavy blanket and put it over the trap quietly. once the blanket is over it, put a hose from the exhaust of your car under the blanket and then put bricks around the base of the blanket. skunk falls asleep and dies and never sprays.

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100% best way to do it was the way my Uncle did it when i was a kid.


Get a live trap, get the skunk in the trap. get a big heavy blanket and put it over the trap quietly. once the blanket is over it, put a hose from the exhaust of your car under the blanket and then put bricks around the base of the blanket. skunk falls asleep and dies and never sprays.


I know a few guys that do this, it works

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Seriously hal if you use a "have-a-heart" you're going to get blasted. And the pellet rifle would be lucky to kill a squirel with a head shot.


not completely true. at least in my experience. I made sure to get a trap that was just big enough for them to crawl into and not raise their tail to take aim.


leave them in the trap and get a kitty pool


or let them out in the country.

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Trap them and call animal control to come pick it up? Wait , too logical. How about trapping them with Wtf ever skunks like and the feeding them poisened food once caught(peanut butter infused with fat poison)? Still too logical you say? Trap them and get your hands on some insulin and do a sub q injection via blow dart. Getting there, how about a cross bow bolt from 20ft. explosive tips from 50ft. Trap them, set boom box up with a cd of nickleback playing on repeat and leave a razor blade in the cage.
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Soak fresh fruit in antifreeze and place it in a location a bowl preferably in a location 1-2 yards away from you house to insure your dogs do not get it. My dogs won't touch fruit really thus why i use that not meat. It will cause rapid kidney failure and death. Downsideis they may die in their dent that you're saying may be on your property. Did this couple years ago with effectiveness. Diedunder my neighbors porch.


ever watch an animal die of renal failure?

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Soak fresh fruit in antifreeze...


1) Get some fruit, apples tend to work.

2) Poke holes with screwdriver, knife, pen, etc.

3) Soke for a couple of hours in antifreeze.

4) Set out and let a skunk win a Darwin award.

5) No clue on removal so...good luck with this step.

6) Profit.


Oh....if you have any pets or kids that would eat poisoned apples this may not work.





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I have had a skunk problem under my front porch for the last few years. Finally paid someone to come deal with it. He caught like four of the bastards and sealed the area off really well (the first time I sealed it off, it didn't work). Plus he's got a guarantee for his work. The worst part of the whole ordeal was coming home one day and your house reeks of skunk. :( You go outside, and don't smell a thing. But inside was a mess. All this from them marking their territory under my deck. :mad:


FYI, I don't know if animal control will touch a skunk. There is no animal control out where I live, so I had to deal with it myself. Also, it's illegal to relocate a skunk. You must kill it.


Oh, and one of my dogs got sprayed a few months ago and she still smells up near her face. I washed her with the anti-skunk concoction a few times, but part of it was just too close to her eyes and I can never get it off. I fucking hate skunks... :mad:

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This is one I haven't seen mentioned.


Goto Marion pet store. Buy tame, sexy female skunk. Lure other skunk in, then lead it out of your neighborhood.


Better yet, I saw this documentary one time where a black cat was covered in paint and looked like the skunk thus tricking it into following the cat and falling in love with it. I think it was French.

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100% best way to do it was the way my Uncle did it when i was a kid.


Get a live trap, get the skunk in the trap. get a big heavy blanket and put it over the trap quietly. once the blanket is over it, put a hose from the exhaust of your car under the blanket and then put bricks around the base of the blanket. skunk falls asleep and dies and never sprays.


Do new cars with catalytic converters still emit enough CO to make this happen?

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I use my pellet rifle. You can pick up a very effective virtually silent .22 cal single pump one with a scope refurb'd for $125-150. Hollow point lead hunting pellets and a good head shot. Easy. I've taken out tons of squirrels, rabbits, groundhogs and yes a skunk over the past month. The skunk was 3 yards over and sprayed immediately after being hit. Stumbled around for less than 30 seconds and dropped in the street. Hit him in the neck. A .177 hollow point would work if you get a good head shot. Depending on the range it will likely penetrate his body but not like a hi powered .22 would thus he'll be pissed and likely suffer. No big deal I suppose as he may eventually die or take a asecomd shot but the goal is to kil him quick.


Happy hunting


At what range are you doing this with a 22 air rifle? Years ago on the farm at around 30 yards I would have to use a gunpowder rimfire .22 with high load "stinger" ammunition to drop a groundhog head shot or not. The 22 caps are a joke and standard load is wimpy and takes several shots and a drawn out death routine. They are tough sum beeches- squirrels and rabbits not so much- At beyond 75 yards I think you really need a .17 hmr for groundhogs or a really tough dog that loves groundhog meat.


I wouldn't waste your time with the .177 air rifle- I had a gamo whisper when they first came out- I think it was 1000-1200 fps? Anyhow it was accurate to a dime at around 30 yards as well and it would not drop a groundhog with a head shot.


As far as skunks as mentioned above cat food is really one of the best for skunks the problem is its also very effective at catching cats ;-)

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