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My first set of newborn shots


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Buddy of mine just had his first baby girl and I have coined the term 'bruncle' with that said I offered to try my hand at some pictures for them. This is really my first shoot with the new camera and they aren't extremely picky on their pics so it was a great opportunity. The new laptop is an i5 with 6 gb ram and it runs photoshop elements 9 like a champ!


For this shoot I think I got a little overwhelmed with post processing. I didn't have a proper backdrop so I used a black comforter and figured i'd just edit out the background with flat black or some background image. Well first off I hate portrait backgrounds, like the stuff you see at walmart. Its hard not to make it look cheesy. Then with the black its ok but I think next time I will be more careful with the background. Also, I didn't have any auxiliary lighting, luckily they have a sunroom so we did the pictures in there. I haven't posted all the pictures, just my favs. there is another one I liked where the baby was nekkid and laying on dad's arm. I photoshopped everything out but the baby and the arm and it looks great, just not sure if they want their nekkid baby on the interweb.


I just noticed a boo boo, in the pic with the helmet I forgot to crop out the carpet/backdrop near the crotch, oh well. I liked the idea since he loves his motorcycle and it was a fun way to incorporate his hobby with his new baby. Plus I'm sure it'll be a good story later 'you used to fit in my helmet!'


Just ordered a new lens, a 35mm prime lens with a f1.8 aperture, very amped for shallow depth of field and low light pics! Also I have a few pics from a recent vacation I'll add later.


input welcome.








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