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Bitchass racers


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You must be a fucking retard because I have said it over and over again, and all that fucking Uncle Bens rice must be effecting your brain you dumb ass. I never said "slow" even though it is. I said I dont consider 13 second civics and rx7's (GENERALIZING OF COURSE), roll racing, racing and or exciting. You and your rice must be suffering from that short man syndrom or something. I swear to christ. Its like your already ashamed of yourself for being slow and stupid so every time someone brings something up about not being entertaining then you gotta steam a fucking pot of rice. Damed dude relax and stop letting your self esteem effect you so much. You have taken this way out of context man and if you wanna race me then bring it on. I will wax your fucking ass all over the fucking race track dude. Go speed through a fucking parking lot or something dick!!!!!!


Look dude you say a car that does 13 in 1/4 is a slow car and shouldn't be racing at all. I'm here to prove to you that your lt1 ain't shit against my car from a roll my 13 second car will fuck up your 12 second car up from 30mph to 130mph

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Look dude you say a car that does 13 in 1/4 is a slow car and shouldn't be racing at all. I'm here to prove to you that your lt1 ain't shit against my car from a roll my 13 second car will fuck up your 12 second car up from 30mph to 130mph



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I have offered him a race he will not except I could put the m/t's on but that would void the point of this discussion and if I void the point the point is voided and there would be no point to prove to this cock smooch


Just when I think you couldn't get any worse you whip out this little ditty. You make my balls hurt.

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Look dude you say a car that does 13 in 1/4 is a slow car and shouldn't be racing at all. I'm here to prove to you that your lt1 ain't shit against my car from a roll my 13 second car will fuck up your 12 second car up from 30mph to 130mph


I never said a 13 sec car should not be racing. I said " I dont consider a 14 sec civic and a 13 sec rx7 roll racing, racing". There you go again twisting what I said again.


How do you know my car runs 12's dude? You have no clue what it runs. I could be spraying the piss out of it. And if you think 13's is fast then your the one who should not be racing dufass. And this never started about my Lt1 -vs- anything. You twisted everything I said because your overdosed on Rice Anger you squirrel. In reality your arguing with your own thoughts and trying to turn them around on various people. AND AGAIN I WILL STATE THAT 13 SECOND ROLL RACING IS NOT EXCITING AND I DON'T CONSIDER IT RACING, which was part of my post that made you get all butt hurt. I told you I dont like it and yet you keep trying to tell me how your turd will "fuck me up". Do you understand I would rip your fucking front bumper off and hop out at the end and have it ready to hand to you before you even made it there? Maybe you should go read the original post and determine how you have gotten to this point. Im not gonna argue with you because you obviously dont understand that you included yourself in a comment that was never directed towards you or really anyone for that matter, and you twisted it into this nightmare of a thread. Come see me at the track if you want and we can get down for 100 or whatever you want. But that really has noting to do with my original post.

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