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Help please: Version Papaws '52 Chevy

Otis Nice

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So my grandfather years ago gave my dad his old '52 Chevy pickup. Dad had always planned to restore it and we've gotten it pretty much stripped down but nowhere near finished. He always wanted to restore it for papaw. Now that papaw has passed he's already mentioned twice how it tears him apart he never made the time to finish it for him.


Kind of a weird question but CR is always a great resource with great people so I figured I'd start here. We don't really have the money to fully restore it and as corny as it seems I would love nothing more than to go all Overhaulin' on the '52. Anyone know of anyway to accomplish this? Any way to get this thing restored? We really want to honor my grandpa but just don't have the resources to do so and it kills my dad to see the thing just sitting there.


Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

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I know that you probably don't want to look at it this way but, just looking at the truck reminds you of your grandpa. Your Dad wants to work on it. Do what you can and have great memories of working on it together. That is way more important than having it finished.


My grandfather was a huge influence in my life, it is strange but every time I clean a fish it is because he taught me how. So, when I fish I honor his legacy. When my dad and I fish we always talk about how funny grandpa was. Keep that kind of legacy and you never die.

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I couldn't say it better than Akula.


I'll add that life is too short and too stressful for regrets. You may not have the money now but do what you can to keep the truck. I was amazed at the Arthritis Car Show last month how many people kept a beautiful car for decades in disrepair until they finally had a chance to fix it up...and were really glad they waited all those years.


FYI...and with all due respect...you won't honor your papaw's memory by paying a shop to fix it up (if you had the money). Where is the passion in that?

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