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Stupid Neighbors


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Shes going ape shit on the entire neighborhood and calling authorities rather than coming over and talking it out like a respectable adult.


She's a woman

He's a wt hillbilly

Odd couple spin off



Do the stanky leg

Bat baby born


more profitable prophesy

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Nothing beats the country, acreage, cars, trucks, random junk, and firing off guns anytime, burning cats alive while they hang from my front tree anytime I damn well please. Oh and pissing off my porch because I don't have to use one of my 3 bathrooms if I don't want to.



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Yeah the situation is really bad, Im real hillbilled out as you can tell in the pic.Granted the wife's truck is not here but I dont see anything wrong with my property. The point is this lady is psycho and I dont have a problem with any of my neighbors. Everyone in the neighborhood has a problem with this lady. She has almost had her ass whipped by 3 different neighbors for screaming and cussing at some of the neighbor kids. She isnt adult enough to confront anyone to their face and by the amount of times the cops have been at her house for Domestic issues, I dont think she has a right to say anything to anyone. The problem is that she has started shit with everyone on our street and nobody likes her. So she just sits in her house peaking out her blinds and calling the city on everyone, everytime she sees something she does not like. And if she is going to nit pick me to death for having my car parked in front of my house for 2 days then I am gonna slam her on her tall weeds and any other deed restrictions I find that she has violated. That has nothing to do with abusing power of anything. What goes around comes around. I lived in New/Albany/Westerville area before I moved out here and never had a single problem. I had my trailer parked in my driveway there for 2 years.



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Reason # 23562354 why I refuse to live in a neighborhood with a hoa.


Trying to tell me what I can and can't park and build on my property fffff that


:finger: :finger:


It sounds like this has dick-all to do with any HOA rules and has to do with the city code/laws. Living in the country will take care of that too. But it's not like these are some nit-picky HOA rules.

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To the OP, either you or your neighbors need to chips-in and buy her the biggest dildo you can find. That'll keep her occupy, if not she'll get the message and move the fuuck out.


As for the people who again parking on the street, EAD!! I intentionally park my cars on the street so fuuckers like you can't speed thru my neighborhood. I went as far as parked one of my cars on each side of the street.

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To the OP, either you or your neighbors need to chips-in and buy her the biggest dildo you can find. That'll keep her occupy, if not she'll get the message and move the fuuck out.


As for the people who again parking on the street, EAD!! I intentionally park my cars on the street so fuuckers like you can't speed thru my neighborhood. I went as far as parked one of my cars on each side of the street.




Just a heads up that it's your fault when some kid runs out in the street and is run over because the car didn't see them due to your cars being parked in the street.

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Reason # 23562354 why I refuse to live in a neighborhood with a hoa.


Trying to tell me what I can and can't park and build on my property fffff that


:finger: :finger:

I've been browsing houses the past month and would much rather live in a neighborhood with a few clean rules rather than some ghetto ass do-whatever-you-want shit hole..

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Just a heads up that it's your fault when some kid runs out in the street and is run over because the car didn't see them due to your cars being parked in the street.


You sure? No no parking signs, hydrant etc. Typically means street parking is 100% legal. Liabilty should fall on the moving objects as the car is static and legally parked. My next door neighbors kid came out from behind a parked car on his bike and was hit by a car. The kids parents had to pay for the car repair. The car on the street was a surburban and he couldnt see around it. The owner was present when the officer told the kid to stop and look or cross at a different point if he valued his life. Side note.. Same kid got hit by a car the next year on his brand new bike. Little dude has more accidents at 13 than some adults.

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You sure? No no parking signs, hydrant etc. Typically means street parking is 100% legal. Liabilty should fall on the moving objects as the car is static and legally parked. My next door neighbors kid came out from behind a parked car on his bike and was hit by a car. The kids parents had to pay for the car repair. The car on the street was a surburban and he couldnt see around it. The owner was present when the officer told the kid to stop and look or cross at a different point if he valued his life. Side note.. Same kid got hit by a car the next year on his brand new bike. Little dude has more accidents at 13 than some adults.


I was implying moral responsibility, fault. If one parks their car on the street for legitimate reasons, accidents happen. If one parks on the street for some idiotic reason and something happens as a result of them parking on the street, as far as I'm concerned they might as well have purposefully ran the kid over. You can take out kid being hit with any accident. I was trying to point out that in him trying to do something that's a cops job he's creating an unsafe situation. Yes, the cars may or may not slow down but an accident is also more likely to happen.

Edited by Trouble Maker
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I'd say your neighborhood is pretty lax, I see four things right off the bat that my HOA would have a shit fit over...


Well I am the President of the HOA. I have to say that there are houses in our neighborhood that we have had to stay on to keep things cleaned up, but those are extreme circumstances. Otherwise we pretty much leave people alone. We have people who have fences that are to tall and people who have sheds, which are not allowed and I make it a point to leave those people alone unless they give us a reason to do so. Thats what makes me so mad about this whole deal. This lady just sits in her house on the phone, starring out her blinds to find something to report to the City. And yes these are all city related issues and not HOA issues.



To the OP, either you or your neighbors need to chips-in and buy her the biggest dildo you can find. That'll keep her occupy, if not she'll get the message and move the fuuck out.


As for the people who again parking on the street, EAD!! I intentionally park my cars on the street so fuuckers like you can't speed thru my neighborhood. I went as far as parked one of my cars on each side of the street.


We have a problem with speeders also but that is not why I parked it there. I parked it there so I didnt wake up the neigbors by pulling it in the garage the other night. I usually just coast in my spot and shut it down as I am pulling in. See what being nice gets me.


I've been browsing houses the past month and would much rather live in a neighborhood with a few clean rules rather than some ghetto ass do-whatever-you-want shit hole..


I agree with this and if I was being ghetto or Hillbilly in any way then I can understand but this lady is just over the top.

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Just a heads up that it's your fault when some kid runs out in the street and is run over because the car didn't see them due to your cars being parked in the street.


I was implying moral responsibility, fault. If one parks their car on the street for legitimate reasons, accidents happen. If one parks on the street for some idiotic reason and something happens as a result of them parking on the street, as far as I'm concerned they might as well have purposefully ran the kid over. You can take out kid being hit with any accident. I was trying to point out that in him trying to do something that's a cops job he's creating an unsafe situation. Yes, the cars may or may not slow down but an accident is also more likely to happen.


Well, it's been working very well for my part of the neighborhood. People are actually going the other way so they don't have to navigate thru my "road block".


And as far as the cops go, my neighbor called the cops when his first dog got ran over and they basically say tough luck. Because they weren't there to catch the speeder so they can't do anything. Shortly after that, his second dog got ran over. My part of the neighborhood had been fine since I set up my "road block".

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And as far as the cops go, my neighbor called the cops when his first dog got ran over and they basically say tough luck. Because they weren't there to catch the speeder so they can't do anything. Shortly after that, his second dog got ran over. My part of the neighborhood had been fine since I set up my "road block".


So your neighbors dog being off leash, running loose and getting hit by a car is the driver's fault? :confused:


You're saying it's happened a second time too? Is you're neighbor really that stupid? Really? :dumb:


Sounds like one of most irresponsible dog owners around. IMO he shouldn't be allowed to own a dog. I certainly hope they don't have kids. :megusta:

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I think what hes saying is if they were driving at an acceptable rate of speed it could have been avoided (outside of the leash part of it). Imagine if it was a kid instead of a dog. Ive seen plenty of toddlers take off at full speed in my day.
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I think what hes saying is if they were driving at an acceptable rate of speed it could have been avoided (outside of the leash part of it). Imagine if it was a kid instead of a dog. Ive seen plenty of toddlers take off at full speed in my day.


Perhaps, but there is a leash law. No leash, owners fault, thanks for playing. In terms of kids, parents have a responsibility too. IMO, not being in control of a toddler or young child to the point that they take off in front of a moving car is the parents responsibility or irresponsibility.


I've had encounters with kids on my street too and I'm pretty vocal to the parents to get their damn kids out of the street. It's not a play area. Use their damn back yard. If they choose to let their kids play in a street then they are completely irresponsible and endangering their kids lives. Fuck them for putting me coming home from work in a situation that could result in me killing their child. That pisses me off. Streets are for cars, back yards are for kids. I have two dogs, a fenced yard, always 110% always on a leash if outside my yard. I have two kids that play in the back yard. I pick up the dog shit and they enjoy good times safely. They do play in the front but again 110% do not ever cross the sidewalk. They are ages 5 and 8 and listen well.


Selfish, irresponsible parenting that potentially costs a child's life and puts another innocent driver to live with that for the rest of their lives. Again, not condoning the speed portion, but just the same, I will not condone a parents responsibility or lack there of.


In the case of the dog owner, he's 100% to blame. He's trying to shirk his own responsibility by simply saying that the driver is at fault for his actions. Two separate issues in question. Both are wrong.

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