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Kids cell phone usage... 12k texts


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My friends niece used 12k texts and talked for almost 5k of just night and weekend minutes last month.

Can we get a what the fuck?

Luckily her mom cuts off the phone during school hours and at night time during the school year, unlike some dumb parents that let them use that shit during the day. This is seriously a sad generation of youth.




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Ohio native Andrew Acklin is credited with the world record for most text messages sent or received in a single month, with 200,052. His accomplishments were first in the World Records Academy and later followed up by Ripley's Believe It Or Not 2010: Seeing Is Believing. He has been acknowledged by The Universal Records Database for the most text messages in a single month.


In a 31 day month that works out to 1 text every 13.3 seconds.

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There is no way my kid would be allowed to do that unlimited or not that is just asinine to allow a child to run up that much talking/texting. Call me old school but I see no need for a child under 15 to possess a phone at all; IF and big if they do have one it will be one of the locked ones that only call 4 people and no texting at all.
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She is probably one of the most annoying texters you can be. I hate people that type not even a full sentence and hit send. People do that on AIM too. Stop being enter/send happy. LOL shouldn't be the only thing in your text message. Most of my text messages are more then 160 characters.
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She is probably one of the most annoying texters you can be. I hate people that type not even a full sentence and hit send. People do that on AIM too. Stop being enter/send happy. LOL shouldn't be the only thing in your text message. Most of my text messages are more then 160 characters.


In other words, you are long winded?

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I had paper in high school too. Passing notes. Kids these days dont know a thing about passing notes and how fun and sneaky it was.


I think the most I hit was 5k in a month mostly averaging about 2k or so i would think. My data is between 2-5gigs range usually.


Im with Eric though... kids are learning the laziest way to communicate and I even see it on some of their school papers. I cant stand getting messages or reading fb comments from young people with broken ass English. I really want to smack them sometimes hah.

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Wow. Do the math...in the evening hours she used the equivalent of 3.47 DAYS of straight talk time. Mix that with the texting...that's incredible.


Wonder what will happen when she starts driving...



edit* I also use my phone all day for business, and my talk time is around 3k minutes and 2-4k texts.

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