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Another planet found that can supposedly support life


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Sooo...if we focus our most powerful radio antenna array at HD 85512 b and sent a message, we MAY get something back from intelligent life in 70+ years?


I'm a space/aviation fan 'til I die, but looking for more info on this discovery before I get really excited...

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I don't really get excited from a "omg were gonna be able to move to another planet one day" perspective, but more of a "I really hope Aliens exist so that debate dies" one lol



Something's gotta be out there. Space so big, next to impossible not to.

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Something's gotta be out there. Space so big, next to impossible not to.


I totally agree, I have a hard time believing all these planets and galaxys and we're the only life form? That either tells us that these other planets fucked up and destroyed themselves and we're the last ones left or there is life form out there, we just haven't been able to actually get to it.

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Something's gotta be out there. Space so big, next to impossible not to.


I agree with this statement.


For every star out there the chance of life increases by .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001:1


There are so many out there that the odds of life sustaining planet with life on it has to be 1

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Seriously. We're going to be here for awhile.


More than likely... Or, we could wiped out by next year. Completely. Sooo many things out there with nothing better to do than to run into us, blow up by us, or fall apart beneath us. lol


One thing I will say, if another alien race comes here (notice Im not debating if they exist or not), it won't be for our resources. It'll one of two reasons. To start hanging out with us or to start fucking with us.


I hope it's the former. I've been studying Kirk on alot of old Star Treks. ;)

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This one show I watched said that there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on earth. Once you wrap your head around that it would be crazy to think there isn't life of some type on other planets.


Will we know for sure in our life times? Probably not. Even if we successfuly sent a signal to a planet that that happened to have intelligent life that was equal to or greater than our own, they would have to know what frequency or what type of signal was sent for them to even know that they were getting a signal at all. When we listen for signals out in space, we are able to scan for like .01% of possible signals. Then that is pending, they even care enough to 'listen' for other life.


I really think our understanding of space and physics are not even scratching the surface of what needs to be known to answer these questions. Afterall, what have we accomplished in regards to the above in the last 50 years? We moved a telesope into space so we get better quality images and created a bunch of 'theories' that says if a star wobbles a certain way, it might have a planet orbiting it. That's really not earth shattering imho. I don't have to have a billion dollar satallite tell me that of the trillions and trillions of stars out there, that they have planets simular to the ones we have. I still watch all the shows discussing this stuff as I do find it interesting, but in our life times, we wont even be able to get a picture of any planet not in our solar system.

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