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Oil Coming from Exhaust


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SO ive now talked to Mid Ohio, Honda northwest,<~~~yes i mentioned O-R and Yamaha of columbus they all said i should take it to ASK for the best chance of having it warrantied... I Was also told I should Call Yamaha USA myself to start the process so as soon as i get home ill get my VIN and Call...

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Didn't someone take their bike to a shop and the shop left the tires sitting in oil? I can't remember, but what was the name of that shop? :eek:

Yeah that was fun.. but even before that, Riding from Polaris back to ask because the bike was spraying oil out the stator cover was interesting. Then of course them parking my bike in the buckeye lake of oil puddles and watching them try and clean the tires with brake cleaner on a rag.. Yeah real professional down there. I do all my own work but this was a recall and they wouldnt let me have the parts to do it myself.

And then there was the one customer who they called and said. PS your bike is missing out of our lot.. Call your insurance company as we dont have any responsibility for your bike getting stolen out of our secure lot while its here.

Edited by flounder
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thats not fun.. well i just got off the phone again with honda Northwest they said that its 150 buck to do the diagnostic work.. and they wouldnt be able to get it in until apriol 15th... and seeing as i didnt buy my bike from there.. i would take a backburner to everything else and it could take up to 2 months to fix even if its a small issue... how fun is that?

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Benyen Soljax Ninja250 quick jack and lube?

Fixed...now you'd technically be correct. I don't think you were around then to know that answer tho.

Yeah that was fun.. but even before that, Riding from Polaris back to ask because the bike was spraying oil out the stator cover was interesting. Then of course them parking my bike in the buckeye lake of oil puddles and watching them try and clean the tires with brake cleaner on a rag.. Yeah real professional down there. I do all my own work but this was a recall and they wouldnt let me have the parts to do it myself.

And then there was the one customer who they called and said. PS your bike is missing out of our lot.. Call your insurance company as we dont have any responsibility for your bike getting stolen out of our secure lot while its here.

Yep, I thought that situation running through my head seemed real...sounds mighty crazy at that place. TwiztedRabbit sounds like you'll need theft coverage and possibly a new set of tires waiting to be put on your bike after they get done? :dunno:

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He wont need new tires because they wont give them to him no matter how much he bitches.. Ask me how I know. Yeah I wasnt happy.. I should have just crashed the fucking thing into their showroom and then sued their asses for sending me out on tires that they knowingly parked in a fucking oil bucket.

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so this is an absolute cluster fuck then .. wonderful i should just call yamaha usa and see if they allow me to have the work done elsewere.. midohio will do it . they just said tis easier to get it warrentied at ASK

sounds like some people are just f***ing lazy. everyone says "give it to the other guy, we dont wanna do free work". lazy ass mofos.

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well again i have not ridden the bike AT all since it started.. so i have no idea if performance changed.. second ASK is where i bought the bike they know me there and i know a lot of the people there... They are going to take a look at it.. pick it up so on so forth.. i will be removing the JB and Leaving the exhaust on. i just have to start getting money ready if they attempt to rape me.. so i will have enough to get it someplace else..

i am still going to contact HNW and a few other Yamaha dealers to see whats going on... nuff said.. i'll let everyone know whats going on as i know.. but the bike wont even be at a shop for prolly a week or Two I dont have the time to get everything moving yet

You need to get an estimate. It's a warranty issue plain and simple no matter if it is fuel or oil. They CANNOT charge you anything if under warranty. The only thing warranty verbage doesn't cover is abuse, neglect and wear and tear...

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I KNOW i've been warned i would prefer not to take it to ASK but if thats the only place that Yamaha will warranty it at what choice to i have!?

Ok, I'll try one more time. The bike is covered by ANY Yamaha dealership. The warranty is via Yamaha - NOT ASK!

You have the right to take it anywhere you please. Understand one thing. A competing dealer is going to know you went to ASK for the best deal and you should service it at that dealer. What bugs me is that when it comes time to do service, people never think about anything past cost.

Service and GOOD service is worth extra in my book. I would take it to Mid-Ohio or HNW and tell them you are having this issue and need to schedule for warranty work. Don't mention ASK and if they ask if you bought it through the dealer you are taking it to, tell them no, but tell them you have heard good things about the service department and want to take your business to them.

You'll probably wait a little longer, but HNW is a supporter on this board and I would mention that and see where it takes you.

If you do take it to ASK, they HAVE to cover it. Have to. You don't need to call Yamaha. Only call them if the shit doesn't go the way you want it to. Quit calling these shops and asking - just call ONE SHOP to where you want to take it and set an appointment and take it in.

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HNW quoting you $150 is a basic cost to cover their ass in case it is easily proven it is abuse. If you KNOW you haven't done anything wrong and have installed everything right, you're safe. Warranty will be in effect...

The time period? Again, had you bought from HNW and not from ASK, you'd be in earlier and out sooner. Price you pay for buying solely on cost alone. Great lesson here...

Bottom line is calling Yamaha is going to do nothing as they too will direct you to the dealer you bought it from.

In the end, it is a warranty issue that if you want it done quickly, you need to take it to ASK whuch has a really bad reputation and their service department has nobody in there who is probably capable if it is an internal engine issue...

But, it's where you bought it and you should take it there to get done quicker. The time period is going to be long as anything engine related will cause the dealer to have to jump through a few hoops and Yamaha will have to be called to verify the warranty claim...

Sucks, but tis the way it goes...

You can also check on the progress everyday and see what they are doing. You need to get a list of what they did and why the bike was doing what it was.

The number of days you are on here worrying are the days it could be sitting getting fixed...

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If you were going to rent a trailer, why not just rent a pick up truck? Uhaul rents them and it would be an easy deal...

If you are willing to Bro out some cash, I suspect a few on here could help. But fuel up and back is going to be something you should at least cover...

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i planned on it... i never said i wouldnt... i dont know where you got that from. but anyways i can pay for gas and a trailer i dont have the addition money for anouther truck. but anyways.. thanks for pointing out the obvious.. not be be a dick or nothing

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