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Big brother is at it again


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Reading the article, it says ANONYMOUS info may be sold. It isn't like they're going to call the nearest trooper, and guide them to you for speeding. I'll agree onstar is screwing up here, but "Big Brother" can already watch you on traffic cams, satellites, undercover secret spies with webcams, and computer/phone usage. To think they even NEED onstar to follow you is even more silly.
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I try not to act like a conspiracy theorist, but the only way to sell the type shit that will allow big brother to track you and be able to see what you're doing has to marketed as a benefit to the end consumer. This is exactly why I don't have OnStar, that Progressive "driving habit" tracker, LoJack, a smart phone, because this type shit has too many hidden possibilities. Most things are pushed on society so hard you can hardly do without it, this is how socialism takes over and things get worse before they will ever be good again.


Sorry started to rant.

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I've believed this since day fuckin one with OnStar. I've hesitated about new cars just because of the whole 'black box' bullshit, too. I feel I'm being baby sitted and watched more now, then I did 30+yrs ago as a child. When I buy something, it's fucking mine. Stay out of it. We're all living a Nanny Nation.


And if I want to jump the railroad tracks I don't need some bitch speaking thru my speakers questioning if I've wrecked, I've already got one beside me in the passenger seat asking me the same thing. ;)

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So how does one disconect it?


I heard of either a medical or law professional disconnecting theirs for fear of the info being brought into court.


On the same token if someone really wanted to find you im sure they could triangulate your from yo beeper bruh.

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I heard of either a medical or law professional disconnecting theirs for fear of the info being brought into court.


On the same token if someone really wanted to find you im sure they could triangulate your from yo beeper bruh.


true but why make it easier for them at the same time?


I have my reasons lets just leave it at that.

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