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Question for folks in the medical field


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According to this map, the highest rates of cancer occur in the areas that vaccinate their people the most. According to most people I talk to, vaccines are supposed to be good for you, and prevent issues. This map seems to indicate something entirely opposite.


Question is, Why is cancer more common in countries that vaccinate their people more?


Why are developed countries getting more and more cancer, but in Africa, where you can't even see a doctor, the cancer rate is HALF of what it is in a developed country?


Lets look at this from a different stand point


In Africa AIDS/HIV is the leading cause of death.

part of the reason is 3rd world medical care. They dont have the screenings like we do, they dont have the Doctors that we do.


They may have cancer, but they die of AIDS Malaria or Tuberculosis before the cancer does the damage.

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I suppose it's worth looking at, but I'd rather live longer and get cancer at some point than die young.


Why would you want to live longer? If the human body as a whole was not made to last 100 years, why would you want it to last that long? Is society as a whole so fearing of death?


You don't inject heavy metals, they exist in our environment and accumulate over time. Your body can't filter them out like it can with other toxins, so every trace of mercury, lead, etc that you've ever consumed is still in your body. If you've ever eaten an animal, you have heavy metals in you, because those animals couldn't filter them out either. That's why pregnant women aren't supposed to eat tuna or other large fish -- metals are disproportionately high in the ocean, fish are disproportionately carnivores, and tuna and grouper and the like are just chock full of mercury.


And heavy metals are known to cause cancer.


Agreed to some degree. Animals don't go around just consuming these heavy metals either. You obviously can't just breathe in a heavy metal. Somewhere down the line, something had to consume it, to start it's way up the food chain.


As well, almost all vaccinations have mercury, or some other heavy metal in them, fwiw.


Probably. I don't think a lot of the chemicals are necessarily all that bad for you in moderation, but eating nothing but processed foods is probably not great for you. If nothing else, it tends to make people fat.


Then where do we get the higher rates of cancer? If it isn't the additives in food, isn't the higher rate of vaccination, etc... Are we genetically more disposed to it?


It's odd until you start thinking about it. Then it kinda makes sense.


It still doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, hence why I asked on CR. I figured someone in the medical field would have a better understanding than me, and could fill me in.

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Lets look at this from a different stand point


In Africa AIDS/HIV is the leading cause of death.

part of the reason is 3rd world medical care. They dont have the screenings like we do, they dont have the Doctors that we do.


They may have cancer, but they die of AIDS Malaria or Tuberculosis before the cancer does the damage.


If you look at it like that, then Heart Disease, such a vague phrase, is the real issue. Why are our hearts failing at such an alarming rate?

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Why would you want to live longer? If the human body as a whole was not made to last 100 years, why would you want it to last that long? Is society as a whole so fearing of death?


I rather enjoy being alive. Was that a serious question? If I die, I can't enjoy things anymore.


Then where do we get the higher rates of cancer? If it isn't the additives in food, isn't the higher rate of vaccination, etc... Are we genetically more disposed to it?


Genetics? Maybe, especially for certain types of cancer. On a whole, I think living longer is the major part of it. Like, if you're looking for a single answer with no nuance, there it is. If you want nuance, then you have to look at things like genetics, diet, lifestyle, etc. Maybe vaccines do have something to do with it, but as far as I know, no study has shown this to be true. In fact, vaccines often prevent cancer, because any time your body is rapidly producing cells, that's a window for cancer to develop. And one of the times your body is most active is when its fighting a disease. Prevent the disease, and you can prevent certain types of cancer. You may have heard of the Herpes vaccine that's all the rage right now -- it's a vaccine that's been proven to reduce the risk of cervical cancer, because cervical cancer can develop when your vag is busy fighting a Herpes infection.

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I rather enjoy being alive. Was that a serious question? If I die, I can't enjoy things anymore.


Very serious. Do people accept certain conditions, in effect to live longer? Is Cancer just 'one of those things' because we are living longer?


Genetics? Maybe, especially for certain types of cancer. On a whole, I think living longer is the major part of it. Like, if you're looking for a single answer with no nuance, there it is. If you want nuance, then you have to look at things like genetics, diet, lifestyle, etc. Maybe vaccines do have something to do with it, but as far as I know, no study has shown this to be true. In fact, vaccines often prevent cancer, because any time your body is rapidly producing cells, that's a window for cancer to develop. And one of the times your body is most active is when its fighting a disease. Prevent the disease, and you can prevent certain types of cancer. You may have heard of the Herpes vaccine that's all the rage right now -- it's a vaccine that's been proven to reduce the risk of cervical cancer, because cervical cancer can develop when your vag is busy fighting a Herpes infection.


You mean the HPV Vaccine? There are some good numbers on Cervical Cancer out there, that don't really sway me on the HPV Vaccine. Giving it to 12 year old girls is rather silly, when HPV goes away on it's own, 90% of the time. Most Cervical Cancer comes to a woman after she is 50. There is very few cases of documented cervical cancer in women under 30, which is all the vaccine protects you until.


Plus with the documented 18k cases of side effects, I would pass if my daughter was asked to get it.


http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/vaccines/hpv/gardasil.html (CDC reports on Gardasil)


As of June 22, 2011 there have been a total 68 VAERS reports of death among those who have received Gardasil® . There were 54 reports among females, 3 were among males, and 11 were reports of unknown gender.


VAERS is also a "Self Participate" reporting system, it is up to the physician/patient to participate.

Edited by kshymkiw83
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If you look at it like that, then Heart Disease, such a vague phrase, is the real issue. Why are our hearts failing at such an alarming rate?


because raceburgers


Basicly this.


People dont realize all the crap they eat. Serioulsy.


The GMO Foods, the sodium intake, how little water we drink.


People worry so much about calories and fat, they tend to let thier sodium go the wayside. I know there is a current study out that says that sodium isnt a factor, but i dont buy it.


Read a book called "In defense of food" and "the Omnivores dilema" by michael pollan.


He brings up an amazing amount of thoughts about the way we we eat.


Eat More Greens, and some meat, personally which is where i see the dietary world lacking in most places.


Sure, your cheeseburger come with lettuce, but have you actually looked at that lettuce? Its iceberg, the most worthless vegetable out there, but it fools consumers into believing they have something healthy on thier sandwich.


But i digress.. I know I could blather on about that for hours..





As far as injecting metals into our bodies, we do do this, with vaccines. There are many VERY conflicting studies about vaccinations, and the the metals that are used, so yes, later in life, i can see how they might be a minor cause of cancer. But Cancer has been around for hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of years, and is nothing new.


I doubt that the vaccinations have much to do with it, but thats just my opninion.

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I went to riverside last tuesday to be tested for the mutated genes that cause cancerous cells. It was called like H something something somethin. My father has it, and has been battling cancer for several years now. Im not excited to see the results.
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Basicly this.


People dont realize all the crap they eat. Serioulsy.


The GMO Foods, the sodium intake, how little water we drink.


People worry so much about calories and fat, they tend to let thier sodium go the wayside. I know there is a current study out that says that sodium isnt a factor, but i dont buy it.


Read a book called "In defense of food" and "the Omnivores dilema" by michael pollan.


He brings up an amazing amount of thoughts about the way we we eat.


Eat More Greens, and some meat, personally which is where i see the dietary world lacking in most places.


Sure, your cheeseburger come with lettuce, but have you actually looked at that lettuce? Its iceberg, the most worthless vegetable out there, but it fools consumers into believing they have something healthy on thier sandwich.


But i digress.. I know I could blather on about that for hours..


I only drink water, that has gone through Reverse Osmosis, and been filtered. I grow all my own vegetables, etc....


It has also been shown, we as humans don't need meat to survive. I am no vegan, but you can get just as much protein from beans, as you can with meat.





As far as injecting metals into our bodies, we do do this, with vaccines. There are many VERY conflicting studies about vaccinations, and the the metals that are used, so yes, later in life, i can see how they might be a minor cause of cancer. But Cancer has been around for hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of years, and is nothing new.


I doubt that the vaccinations have much to do with it, but thats just my opninion.


Yes we do, do you think it helps accelerate the growth of said cancers? If you receive over 200 vaccines in your life, and each one of them contained a bit of mercury, how does that affect you over a 100 year life span?

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I went to riverside last tuesday to be tested for the mutated genes that cause cancerous cells. It was called like H something something somethin. My father has it, and has been battling cancer for several years now. Im not excited to see the results.


How much did that test cost you? If you don't mind me asking, and if you don't mind sharing?

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I only drink water, that has gone through Reverse Osmosis, and been filtered. I grow all my own vegetables, etc....


It has also been shown, we as humans don't need meat to survive. I am no vegan, but you can get just as much protein from beans, as you can with meat.


I grow my own as well. I see no reason to eliminate meat. I have chickens hat live with a member here (Akula), and i buy from local suppliers my meat. Preferably from free range, grass fed, but i am not a die hard about it.


We are also bean eaters. :)


Yes we do, do you think it helps accelerate the growth of said cancers? If you receive over 200 vaccines in your life, and each one of them contained a bit of mercury, how does that affect you over a 100 year life span?


Well, i ahvent had a vaccine since elementary school, so i dont know about he 200 vaccines, but, i cant say it doesnt help anything to be injecting the metals.. but again, im not a doctor or a scientist.

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How much did that test cost you? If you don't mind me asking, and if you don't mind sharing?


it was 130 but insurance covered 90% of it. all they did was drew 4 ML of blood.


feel free to ask away, i dont mind spreading awareness. They said i had a 50/50 chance of inheriting the gene. she also told me that if i tested positive, i need to get scoped no later than age 25, and every year after that. if negative, she recommended scoping at 50. my sister was negative. my results should be in this week. i rarely get vaccinated for anything, and rarely even go to the doc, so this vaccine conspiracy that tilly has could be disproven shortly. I eat well, rarely drink soda, and drink 4 to 5 bottles of filtered water a day.

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Plus with the documented 18k cases of side effects, I would pass if my daughter was asked to get it.


http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/vaccines/hpv/gardasil.html (CDC reports on Gardasil)




VAERS is also a "Self Participate" reporting system, it is up to the physician/patient to participate.


Just using the link you posted, this is out of 35 million doses. 92% of those 18,000 cases of side effects are "fainting, pain, and swelling at the injection site (the arm), headache, nausea, and fever. Syncope (fainting) is common after injections and vaccinations, especially in adolescents." Your use of big "scary" numbers here is misguided at best, misleading at worst. Furthermore, 68 deaths in 35 million people, and 0 of them appear to be due to the vaccine:


"In the 32 reports confirmed, there was no unusual pattern or clustering to the deaths that would suggest that they were caused by the vaccine and some reports indicated a cause of death unrelated to vaccination."


If this is how you do your research, I'm disappointed. You seem to be eager to jump to conclusions based on nothing but scant correlation.

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it was 130 but insurance covered 90% of it. all they did was drew 4 ML of blood.


feel free to ask away, i dont mind spreading awareness. They said i had a 50/50 chance of inheriting the gene. she also told me that if i tested positive, i need to get scoped no later than age 25, and every year after that. if negative, she recommended scoping at 50. my sister was negative. my results should be in this week. i rarely get vaccinated for anything, and rarely even go to the doc, so this vaccine conspiracy that tilly has could be disproven shortly. I eat well, rarely drink soda, and drink 4 to 5 bottles of filtered water a day.


There is a difference in price for testing if someone has a certain gene and finding exactly where that gene is.


So if you or your spouce were having genetic testing prior to doing the Stankey leg because you were concerned about passing on a congenital gene that causes sudden cardiac arrest and cardiac myopathy, the test you would need to get is a) do I have it and b) where is it located to determine if it'll get passed on.

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Someone should rename this thread "Aluminum foil hat wearers come inside".


Other suitable names for this thread:


9/11 Was an Inside Job

The Second Gunman on the Grassy Knoll

M&M's Cause Autism

Casey Anthony Was Framed

OJ Didn't Do It

Area 51


Why should I expect anything more on CR.

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Just using the link you posted, this is out of 35 million doses. 92% of those 18,000 cases of side effects are "fainting, pain, and swelling at the injection site (the arm), headache, nausea, and fever. Syncope (fainting) is common after injections and vaccinations, especially in adolescents." Your use of big "scary" numbers here is misguided at best, misleading at worst. Furthermore, 68 deaths in 35 million people, and 0 of them appear to be due to the vaccine:


"In the 32 reports confirmed, there was no unusual pattern or clustering to the deaths that would suggest that they were caused by the vaccine and some reports indicated a cause of death unrelated to vaccination."


If this is how you do your research, I'm disappointed. You seem to be eager to jump to conclusions based on nothing but scant correlation.


68 deaths that occured after taking a vaccine is in fact questionable to me, on a system that is solely contribute if you want to.


You can't just say, if something works for 92% of the population then it is okay. The population according to the 2010 Census was 308 Million People. If 8% had serious reactions, that would be 24 Million People. Sounds a lot different then.


Any VAERS report that indicated hospitalization, permanent disability, life-threatening illness, congenital anomaly or death is classified as serious. As with all VAERS reports, serious events may or may not have been caused by the vaccine.


So if 8% of everyone getting it is suffering a serious side affect, is it worth it? Even with the CDC numbers you are still talking about 18k people who had a SERIOUS side affect. Those serious side affects. 8 out of every 100 will have a serious side affect. That doesn't sound very safe to me.

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Just using the link you posted, this is out of 35 million doses. 92% of those 18,000 cases of side effects are "fainting, pain, and swelling at the injection site (the arm), headache, nausea, and fever. Syncope (fainting) is common after injections and vaccinations, especially in adolescents." Your use of big "scary" numbers here is misguided at best, misleading at worst. Furthermore, 68 deaths in 35 million people, and 0 of them appear to be due to the vaccine:


"In the 32 reports confirmed, there was no unusual pattern or clustering to the deaths that would suggest that they were caused by the vaccine and some reports indicated a cause of death unrelated to vaccination."


If this is how you do your research, I'm disappointed. You seem to be eager to jump to conclusions based on nothing but scant correlation.



Pain and swelling at the site most likely have absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine itself and more to do with the person who administered the shot. Headache and nausea are probably a large portion due to fear of needles, or doctors, and so on. When these are occuring in .005% of all vaccines given, statistically speaking, they aren't a result of the vaccine itself.

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it was 130 but insurance covered 90% of it. all they did was drew 4 ML of blood.


feel free to ask away, i dont mind spreading awareness. They said i had a 50/50 chance of inheriting the gene. she also told me that if i tested positive, i need to get scoped no later than age 25, and every year after that. if negative, she recommended scoping at 50. my sister was negative. my results should be in this week. i rarely get vaccinated for anything, and rarely even go to the doc, so this vaccine conspiracy that tilly has could be disproven shortly. I eat well, rarely drink soda, and drink 4 to 5 bottles of filtered water a day.


So essentially, it is a $1300 test, to see if you carry a specific gene?


You rarely get vaccinated, but how much did your parents vaccinate you?

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68 deaths that occured after taking a vaccine is in fact questionable to me, on a system that is solely contribute if you want to.


You can't just say, if something works for 92% of the population then it is okay. The population according to the 2010 Census was 308 Million People. If 8% had serious reactions, that would be 24 Million People. Sounds a lot different then.




So if 8% of everyone getting it is suffering a serious side affect, is it worth it? Even with the CDC numbers you are still talking about 18k people who had a SERIOUS side affect. Those serious side affects. 8 out of every 100 will have a serious side affect. That doesn't sound very safe to me.



You don't understand what he said. 92% of the REACTIONS were minor. .05% of the people who had the vaccine experienced a reaction. That would be 154,000 people if the whole population took it. Of that, 141,680 would experience nothing more than an annoying side effect. 550 people, or .00018% would die from it.

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