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Lets Hunt


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Maybe I'm wrong but I from what I remember as a kid it could be mid-rapture and you'd still be expected to go to school..




Well this country has gone to shit, there is your answer. We are raising a bunch of weak children that cannot deal with adverse conditions. Political correctness has run amok and shitbag parrents run the schools that think their kids are perfect.

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Maybe I'm wrong but I from what I remember as a kid it could be mid-rapture and you'd still be expected to go to school..




I am going to go into the woods until I find a cheetah. Then I am going to smoke weed, blow it in his face, then ride him and go after the other animals :dumb:

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I bet there isn't an empty tree stand in that county right now.



Note to you guys out there: Don't worry about the bears. A bear isn't really going to be sneaking up on you. Just carry something of large caliber (or just some bear spray) and you're fine with the bears.


The cats, however, you will not see. If a big cat wants you dead, you probably won't know it until it's jaws are around your neck. They are ambush predators, very quiet, very patient. You're only luck would come from their color differing from our forest fall colors.


Even if you do see them coming, good luck. Remember the Elephant video:


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I bet there isn't an empty tree stand in that county right now.






Really though they have reported a few times finding hunters and escorting them out of the woods lol

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It's sad. Fucking idiot of a man letting those animals out. Of course, you're going to get a bunch of gung ho fucks killing way more than they need to along with any other domestic or otherwise, animal they see. I wonder if the zoo staff managed to tranq any of them before the rest of the assholes unnecessarily kill them.
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It's sad. Fucking idiot of a man letting those animals out. Of course, you're going to get a bunch of gung ho fucks killing way more than they need to along with any other domestic or otherwise, animal they see. I wonder if the zoo staff managed to tranq any of them before the rest of the assholes unnecessarily kill them.


Even Jack Hanna admitted that killing them was the only thing that could be done at the time.

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Also if you watched the press conference, they spoke of a few animals that they tried to tranq and it just freaked the animal out and it went on the attack and had to be destroyed
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I am going to go into the woods until I find a cheetah. Then I am going to smoke weed, blow it in his face, then ride him and go after the other animals :dumb:


Props on the Harold & Kumar reference.


It sucks the dude was an ass and let the animals loose before offing himself resulting in most of them being killed but as someone else said, even Jack Hanna said it was the only thing they could do last night.

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Props on the Harold & Kumar reference.


It sucks the dude was an ass and let the animals loose before offing himself resulting in most of them being killed but as someone else said, even Jack Hanna said it was the only thing they could do last night.



Why do you always refer to me as "somoene else" when you reference somehting I posted? lol


No biggie, just something I have noticed.

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