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Lets Hunt


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I bet there isn't an empty tree stand in that county right now.



Note to you guys out there: Don't worry about the bears. A bear isn't really going to be sneaking up on you. Just carry something of large caliber (or just some bear spray) and you're fine with the bears.


The cats, however, you will not see. If a big cat wants you dead, you probably won't know it until it's jaws are around your neck. They are ambush predators, very quiet, very patient. You're only luck would come from their color differing from our forest fall colors.


Even if you do see them coming, good luck. Remember the Elephant video:



I bet 95% of the Testosterone "hunters" would shit their pants if they saw a 400lb Cat or a Full Size Bear 25ft from them. I consider myself pretty good with a gun and even when I wasn't in any apparent danger, I left a little stain in my drawers when my family and I came upon a black bear last spring in southern Ohio. Even when it ran up a tree likely just as scared as I was.

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God I am so tired of reading about this on my facebook lol. Word is 27 of the 48 animals have already been killed, 25 were killed when cops arrived to the scene. Apparently they were shooting everything in site, even animals inside of their cages minding their business.


I have heard that some of the animals have been spotted in Licking County now, but with anything thats sort of big, rumors will flare up.


apparently he also cut open the fencing as well as opened the gates making it impossible to keep them caged.

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Why do you always refer to me as "somoene else" when you reference somehting I posted? lol


No biggie, just something I have noticed.


lol... I'm sorry. I'm too lazy to go back and read who said what but I know I read it and don't want to just post something someone else said without mentioning that I wasn't the first to say it. From now on I will just put "I don't know who said this but it was probably LJ" when doing that. :p

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Because he's crazy, not evil. Great Apes are malicious. A tiger will kill you and eat you, an ape will rip your face off just to hear you scream.


They have to contain the spread of the animals. Right now they are in a relatively small area. Tranquilizing them takes a very specific, fleshy shot that's difficult in the daylight. If they'd waited the night and hunted-to-dart, the animals would spread out over a huge area and be harder to find.

In the interest of public safety they had to get what they could in the first night. Imagine some Yoders or Millers a dozen miles to the north getting attacked while out working the farm. People can't just "stay inside" until the multi-month hunt is complete.


If you want to blame some one for their deaths, blame the guy that let them out.

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i grew up here. some friends posted these on fb, not sure if they are legit but crazy as shit if so:


this one could be busted (and i would say is probably not related) if someone could decipher the timestamp lower left corner


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56 animals total, 48 killed, 6 saved and 2 still on the loose. So much for trying to save all these animals. Also Jack Hanna rerpoted that there were 1400 Bengal Tigers known to be in existance, 18 of them were just killed. Pita is gonna be on that sherrifs ass, just wait and see


Apparently 1 was killed in Licking County. My uncle is on the swat team for sherrifs office and has been out since last night hunting.


Oh great the monkey has Herpes B, here we come outbreak!

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56 animals total, 48 killed, 6 saved and 2 still on the loose. So much for trying to save all these animals. Also Jack Hanna rerpoted that there were 1400 Bengal Tigers known to be in existance, 18 of them were just killed. Pita is gonna be on that sherrifs ass, just wait and see


Apparently 1 was killed in Licking County. My uncle is on the swat team for sherrifs office and has been out since last night hunting.


Oh great the monkey has Herpes B, here we come outbreak!


I'll admit, even I'm a little disappointed that the Tigers were killed, but I don't blame the team that was there. I blame Ohio law and the legal owners who are the ones ultimately responsible for causing this carnage.


Sad Yes, but it did have to be done.

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There are some dumb people out there....


did they realize there were 30 fucking lions and tigers within walking distance to a school and mall? Let alone the fact that it takes 5-8 mins for a tranquilizer to work. Anyone care to explain what 30 lions and tigers can do to a group of people in 5-8 mins? :lolguy:

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