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Navy Metallic Blue WS6 on Racestars.


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This is why I don't post up alot about the stuff I have done to my car. To many people who are:


1. smart asses

2. think they know everything

3. have nothing useful to add

4. everybody has different tastes


Scott does have a valid point and I would agree. I would have done it different, but that is me.


Glad you like them and they do look very nice.

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Last time I saw your car it was bucking back and forth on a dyno and sounded like the bottom end was about to fall out............


Fook a u


This comes off as talking shit about what I put together. Which has no call seeing as how it's still running strong.


Really? All I remember was it spinning on the rollers and running out of nitrous. Anytime you want to prove my car is a POS bring something out and show me.


I reacted this way because I've put lots of hard work into this car and it's done everything I intended it to do.


Wow you went from cool calm to crazy in nothing flat. Why dont you have a seat in the corner and calm down and let me explain what I am trying to say so you dont swing your dick around anymore.




Everyone makes mcsteaks working on car, if we didnt we would be making millions fixing them. You honestly cant tell me you havent made a mistake working or doing something on a car.


This post doesn't make sense, of course I've made mistakes working on my car and even a few customer cars, that doesn't make it cool to bash my car that wasn't even making noises that day on the dyno. I had shitty street tires on it that wouldn't hold the dyno, and knowing I only had enough nitrous for one good dyno pull I wasn't surprised to have run out.


So again i don't know where your Camaro bashing came from.



BTW If i did something like OP did to a customer's car I'd get fired, and hurt people if it came apart. I take shit like this seriously, and don't think shit like that has a place on the road. While it looks good it wasn't done right.

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Considering the evidence you've presented, I think that's an accurate statement.


Coming from a saturn owner....:dumb:


Yup, I was shotgun with Scott, and it didnt blow ;)



Yeah I met you lol, remember we had our discussion about a certain company on this forum? I am the one who ran Nick.

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I reacted this way because I've put lots of hard work into this car and it's done everything I intended it to do.


Hmmm....Hypocrite much? Talk shit about me and my car yet when someone says anything about your car you get extremely bootyhurt.

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Yeah I met you lol, remember we had our discussion about a certain company on this forum? I am the one who ran Nick.


Haha, yes sir, I figured that was you, I knew that license plate looked famaliar. You need to get that booster fixed, so you dont get taken out by the mach again lol. Were supposed to be heading to mobile in like 2 weeks, any of you guys heading over?

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Haha, yes sir, I figured that was you, I knew that license plate looked famaliar. You need to get that booster fixed, so you dont get taken out by the mach again lol. Were supposed to be heading to mobile in like 2 weeks, any of you guys heading over?


Yeah my master cylinder is still fucked lol can only really DD it for now, but yeah a lot of us should be headed over on the 29th for that parking garage meet. Who all is coming over from pcola?

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Coming from a saturn owner....:dumb:

Oh that hurts. I designed a turbo kit for the Sky/Solstice from the ground up, but now the car is sold and now I have a kid, but I don't have anything else that's 'sig worthy.'


There's no question you've compromised the integrity of the wheel, giving it a place to fail. Letting the caliper machine the inside of the wheel is not a smart thing to do. Then you justify to action saying you 'looked at it' and in your judgement it's ok. What's next? Pour sand into your intake so it can port your heads?

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Oh that hurts. I designed a turbo kit for the Sky/Solstice from the ground up, but now the car is sold and now I have a kid, but I don't have anything else that's 'sig worthy.'


There's no question you've compromised the integrity of the wheel, giving it a place to fail. Letting the caliper machine the inside of the wheel is not a smart thing to do. Then you justify to action saying you 'looked at it' and in your judgement it's ok. What's next? Pour sand into your intake so it can port your heads?


Hmmm sounds like a good idea to me :rolleyes:

Next time I ask for your opinion on anything, remind me to care.

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Yeah my master cylinder is still fucked lol can only really DD it for now, but yeah a lot of us should be headed over on the 29th for that parking garage meet. Who all is coming over from pcola?


I should be showing up, scott with the 5.0 and Nick should all be there, well see who else we can get to head that way. Im sure we can get a couple.

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