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You're thinking is what I was looking to see brought up here. Does this come to town's coming together to help each other? Are we a sociaty that still does that? or are there too many selfish people who would ruin something like this?


I think it comes down to leadership, if you community leaders and law enforcement are running around with their heads on fire yelling for you to head for the hills because the zombies are coming things are going to get crazy quick. But if they rally their people together emphasize their situation and explain how together they can all make it through this things will turn out better or at least get crazy a little slower.

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Basicaly I feel like a have decent enough skills to live off the land for a while, I keep a grab bag in my car and one in my house with a survivle kit, first aid kit, a good knife, an extra pair of clothes, and a set of camping cooking suplies. 90% of the time I am armed. With this I am confident I can atleast make it back to my place for more supplies.


With that said the only thing I would have to worrie about is having to get to base(being in the national guard if shit hits the fan I will be ordered to base). Having to go to base and leave my family I know they they like many other americans are not prepared at all.


Survivle strategies to think about when you think about gathering food like hunting guns and ammo might not be the best way, a bow is far supperior in this situation. Food is a must but you will not survive long at all without water. You should always be prepared to boil, and or purify water to drink. A good survivel guide is a must, you may not know anything about survivle but you will atleast be able to have the information somewhere.


Later I will post my survivle grab bag and ideas on what should be in it. Its a great thing to have, I can't tell you how many times iv used the first aid kit for cuts and stopping nose bleeds from drinking accidents lol.

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I don't put money in the bank. I use my credit cards and deposit what I need to to pay it off and keep the rest.

Physical paper money goes in a safe.


I'm in the process of building a BOB and SHTF rifle, both should be completed by the new year assuming all the rifle parts are accessible and not back ordered. CCW stays with me, so no matter what the scenario I am armed. Hunker down where I am until the crazies tear the city up and then move on from there.


As far as people coming together, I'd rather stay the hell away from most people. Most people will be in a panic and won't do much other than cause problems.

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I have go bags,food water and shelter in a rural area. I have no doubt that my family and close friendz would be safe in a situation as described. The only thing that scares me is the thought of killing someone,though...My or my familys life>*
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anyone interested in this exact scenario I would highly recommend reading "Patriots". it's pretty much this exact scenario and is a very good read. I love books about this kind of stuff, I just wish i was even close to prepared for a scenario like this. :(





Another great one is "One Second After" by William Forstchen. Apparently there is a deal done to make this one a movie, should be awesome.


I know there are a few other members on here who I've talked to who are active in preparation. I've been into it for a while myself, but try to stay on the edge of not being a paranoid, crazy person.


In a wide spread event, even paper money isn't going to be worth much if the system is down more than a few weeks. Food, water, ammo, etc. is going to be worth more than paper money.

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In a wide spread event, even paper money isn't going to be worth much if the system is down more than a few weeks. Food, water, ammo, etc. is going to be worth more than paper money.



Most things you would purchase for a survival pack holds it's value very well in our day to day lives, it'll be worth more if an event like this were to occur. Better to get it while it's cheap.

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Another great one is "One Second After" by William Forstchen. Apparently there is a deal done to make this one a movie, should be awesome.


That would be awesome if that made that a movie!!


I have read the above, also read Neil Strauss's "Emergency", and there is another called "Lights Out" that started out on the internet and then he turned it into a book.


I need to put some serious attention into my SHTF scenario and start planning better.



Question: does anyone here have any pre 1965 silver coins?? all the books i read keep bringing these up and i just wonder if they are actually a good idea to have some on hand?

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I have a feeling the biggest threat will be the millions of people who are going to overrun the "prepared" types. Its not something we who can survive like to think about, but its likely true once the true desperation sets in.


Only the strong groups will survive and to do so will require numbers and seclusion. The lone hermit family could be taken out with one or two well placed bullets from afar.

You would have to at least get a tribe sized group and out live the worst of the chaos. Once the masses starve off you can live off whats left and what you can hunt and grow.

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Just yesturday I got on a "lets build a fire" kick so wife got marsh mellows while I collected fire starting stuff from our woods. I used flint and steel because my wife called BS that I could do it effectively. So I got flint from driveway, old knife, and dryer lint from dryer filter. It took a few strikes to make a spark, but in a few minutes I was fueling a nice cooking fire.


I only mention this because even boy scouts back in my troop down in Southern, OH had a hell of a time making a simple fire. Mostly because they didn't understand and collect the right amount of igniting material, tender, small fuel, and large fuel. Everyone would grab the first wet branch they could find laying on the ground mid winter and a few huge soaked logs.


Scout Master used to only do camping/hiking in winter because that was the best time of year for difficulty of survival in Ohio, we learned very well and ate a lot of cold cans of soup till we did. God I'd love to do that stuff again. Wonder if scouts are still scouts or did they join up with the girl scouts.



Of course this thread goes way beyond making a fire, I mean I don't remember anything in the scout handbook about zombies.

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I have go bags' date='food water and shelter in a rural area. I have no doubt that my family and close friendz would be safe in a situation as described. The only thing that scares me is the thought of killing someone,though...My or my familys life>*[/quote']


There would be many things we might have to do to take care of the ones we love that are far outside our current comfort level.


Another great one is "One Second After" by William Forstchen. Apparently there is a deal done to make this one a movie, should be awesome.


I know there are a few other members on here who I've talked to who are active in preparation. I've been into it for a while myself, but try to stay on the edge of not being a paranoid, crazy person.


In a wide spread event, even paper money isn't going to be worth much if the system is down more than a few weeks. Food, water, ammo, etc. is going to be worth more than paper money.

I don't think out paper money will have any value past the first month or two. If we can't fix the situation by then, the madness is on. Bartering will be a skill to hone.



Most things you would purchase for a survival pack holds it's value very well in our day to day lives, it'll be worth more if an event like this were to occur. Better to get it while it's cheap.


You can go on Amazon and get already made survival kits. If you have nothing at this point, that would be a pretty good start point if you aren't able to, or sure what you should get.


Question: does anyone here have any pre 1965 silver coins?? all the books i read keep bringing these up and i just wonder if they are actually a good idea to have some on hand?


I have heard it said a few times, but I consider it a n oppertunity item in preperation. Should I come across a deal, I might pick some up.


I have a feeling the biggest threat will be the millions of people who are going to overrun the "prepared" types. Its not something we who can survive like to think about, but its likely true once the true desperation sets in.


Only the strong groups will survive and to do so will require numbers and seclusion. The lone hermit family could be taken out with one or two well placed bullets from afar.

You would have to at least get a tribe sized group and out live the worst of the chaos. Once the masses starve off you can live off whats left and what you can hunt and grow.


I agree. You literally have to form a squad size group of awesome people. From there hold a possition or be able to gather on the move. Then recruite, in the long run, to insure you aren't over run and in turn, that forms a community. From there, I can only hope, reastablish a society.

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Basicaly I feel like a have decent enough skills to live off the land for a while, I keep a grab bag in my car and one in my house with a survivle kit, first aid kit, a good knife, an extra pair of clothes, and a set of camping cooking suplies. 90% of the time I am armed. With this I am confident I can atleast make it back to my place for more supplies.


With that said the only thing I would have to worrie about is having to get to base(being in the national guard if shit hits the fan I will be ordered to base). Having to go to base and leave my family I know they they like many other americans are not prepared at all.


Survivle strategies to think about when you think about gathering food like hunting guns and ammo might not be the best way, a bow is far supperior in this situation. Food is a must but you will not survive long at all without water. You should always be prepared to boil, and or purify water to drink. A good survivel guide is a must, you may not know anything about survivle but you will atleast be able to have the information somewhere.


Later I will post my survivle grab bag and ideas on what should be in it. Its a great thing to have, I can't tell you how many times iv used the first aid kit for cuts and stopping nose bleeds from drinking accidents lol.


This. X2

When I worked at Rickenbacker, I had a plan to take care of a few close people. At least there, they would be in some form of a safe hold. If I could get them in.

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Another good read for people is this http://www.amazon.com/Lights-Out-David-Crawford/dp/0615427359


Some great thoughts that go along with the topic. Lights out is based on EMP taking out the entire power structure of the U.S. And how quickly things escalate from people helping each other to finding a survival community to protect the things you have.

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Another good read for people is this http://www.amazon.com/Lights-Out-David-Crawford/dp/0615427359


Some great thoughts that go along with the topic. Lights out is based on EMP taking out the entire power structure of the U.S. And how quickly things escalate from people helping each other to finding a survival community to protect the things you have.


EMP would be some crazy shit. Back to how to make a fire.

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In the event of any attack, I am heading straight for the tennessee house if I can make it. I think between the lake and animals I could survive. Theres also a deep cave that I think I could bunker down and hide for a little while. Its somewhat off the grid and not heavily populated, I will wait it out down there until you guys kill eachother off. I will then attack when your all in a weakened state.
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You've thought and talked about it at least. That's good to hear. And I'm glad you didn't go into detail about your plan. That is something to be protected.




I started this thread to poke people in the brain if they have not thought of something like this. It's very real and very possible. As American's, we feel we are always going to be "ok". "Someone" will fix things. Many people just don't have the outlook that they might have to be the one in the big picture dealing with the problem. "That happens to other people", frame of mind, is where many people are with many big issues. On CR we are pretty fortunate. We know we have the means to be on the internet. And we are on here often. This is a luxery, but it's an everyday given to most on here. I'm straying a bit, but what I was hoping for out of this thread was for people to talk through what would need to be done. How to do it, kind of exchange thought's on how to get to the safest position. And I was hoping to have people be realistic.




You're thinking is what I was looking to see brought up here. Does this come to town's coming together to help each other? Are we a sociaty that still does that? or are there too many selfish people who would ruin something like this?




Water World is not a bad idea either. Get on a Navy nuclear powered ship and you are set for quite some time.




We have evolved and the primitive skills aren't used anymore. There isn't an "App" to start a fire. I absolutely think people will straight up kill each other for something they want. Trust will need to be earned to be around people and you are a threat until proven useful. 2010 US population shows 312,478,468. That's a shit ton of people with the same problem trying to do the same thing to fix it and live a good life.


Water, food, shelter, and safety. Everything else becomes a luxery IF you can establish these 4 things. Safety is very complicated, becase it may take having more people with you. Which in turn, can comprimize your other 3 needs.


Your thoughts?


I understand the objective of this post, its not completely irrattional but its not completely probable either.


To me I look at it this way. People prepare for things later in life like retirement. Most KNOW they will be retired one day so they make preparations now, most are 100% with this. Obviously no one KNOW's there will be a WROL situation but that doesnt mean you should pretend like it can never happen. And honestly how hard would it be to have 2 weeks of food in your pantry for you and your family?


One other thing to keep in mind, ALOT of people have the same idea when it comes to situations like these, "run for the hills and hide out". It may not seem like it but Ohio is pretty densely populated if you were to take all the major urban area's and spread them out over the state. You think your the only one with a shotgun and a backpack 'book of eli' style?


As for literature, i read the Rawles book. It was interesting but you could def tell the guy was a bit nutty. A much more realistic book would be "One Second After" by William Forstchen, which could definitly be made into a movie.

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You can go on Amazon and get already made survival kits. If you have nothing at this point, that would be a pretty good start point if you aren't able to, or sure what you should get.



Depending on the size these can sometimes be pretty expensive. its definitly cheaper to piece together your own from sites like cheaperthandirt.com Shit I once saw a 3 day pack on one of those sites for like $180, they have the same type of stuff on CTD for like $60.


But like i said before. Having a 'bug out bag' or evac plan or anything should be a last resort, society has eaten itself alive type of thing. Alot of people think they can live by themselves in the wild but its fucking hard and your extremely vulnerable if your on your own.

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I dont like carrying cash. I would last 3 weeks before I had to eat my dog. I have plenty of guns but using them would just make me the equivalent of an armed zombie.


My plan: Find person with food but no guns. Get paid in food to protect them.

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I think in a true SHTF situation all of cr and they're families should pull together and form one community, with as many active members as there is on this site you would have a wealth of skills and knowledge, not to mention the cr gun crew could probably hold off the national guard without breaking a sweat. After the rest of the u.s. kills enough people off to lessen the chance of being overrun by the masses, then we try to re-establish some form of society again
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HotCarl, everything you just posted is good info. The quotes are killing me with space here. It seems 90% of the people think they will be able to head to the hills with their guns and family. I too have that as an option. But the day it happens will deturmine what you will actually be able to do. Roads will be so jammed, that could be where the shootings start, who knows?


One thing I have left out to see if it would come up is this; if the electronic financial system gets shut down, it's not just the US it affects, that's world wide. Our impact in the world is too big and they are connected to us to be able to do business. I can't see how someone could hit us with that issue and not have it affect many more countries. So with that said, Canada is now in play. Mexico will probably remain in its same state, or ask us for help. haha kidding.

I know this can turn into a no win, never ending senario. I like the discussion that Greg was presenting on the first page. His input shows me there is a chance for people to do the right thing. The input on page 2 shows me there are people who have thought about there being a bad day. I figured there were several people on here that thought things through. The referances have been some good books too. Nothign wrong with reading a few points of view to spur some thought. But like what was said, some writers can be pretty far out there in their outlook. You have to filter the info.

Someone mentioned using a bow. I was hoping more would come up from people talking about that. I like the use of a bow/crossbow. Ammo will run out and you might be able to get a few kills with the same arrow. It's a good option.

Also, someone mentioned all the people who are prepared, could be the one to get their shit jacked! Damn, that would suck.

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I dont like carrying cash. I would last 3 weeks before I had to eat my dog. I have plenty of guns but using them would just make me the equivalent of an armed zombie.


My plan: Find person with food but no guns. Get paid in food to protect them.


I like it. Simple


I think in a true SHTF situation all of cr and they're families should pull together and form one community, with as many active members as there is on this site you would have a wealth of skills and knowledge, not to mention the cr gun crew could probably hold off the national guard without breaking a sweat. After the rest of the u.s. kills enough people off to lessen the chance of being overrun by the masses, then we try to re-establish some form of society again


Look who has 27 posts and a pretty good plan. ^this guy.

I can see it now. Everyone meet at Home Depot on Sawmille. LOL


No, but seriously, there are several active military, National Guard and Active duty members on here, and prior service. And some of the things people come up with, engineering and just smart approaches on here are pretty awesome. A CR colony doesn't seem impossible. If someone eats too much of the rations, we can have Wagner perma ban them. Gabe can tell them how greedy they are as they are escorted to the perimeter of the area we occupy. I say this jokingly, but it should provoke thought too. How far could that go? We already have rules we follow here. That, and known laws we have lived by are a start point.

Edited by Mojoe
Spelling owns me
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I like it. Simple




Look who has 27 posts and a pretty good plan. ^this guy.

I can see it now. Everyone meet at Home Depot on Sawmille. LOL


No, but seriously, there are several active military, National Guard and Active duty members on here, and prior service. And some of the things people come up with, engineering and just smart approaches on here are pretty awesome. A CR collony doesn't seem imposible. If someone eats too much of the rations, we can have Wagner perma ban them. Gabe can tell them how greedy they are as they are escourted to the perimiter of the area we occupy. I say this jokingly, but it sould provoke thought too. How far could that go? We already have rules we follow here. That, and known laws we have lived by are a start point.


could we at least do away with speed limits when we rebuild our society? I feel that would cut down on use of the term "in mexico" therefore making our society a little more efficient. from a more logical standpoint, there are quite a few quick cars tuned for e85 on this site, therefore we could make our own fuel and outrun bandits during supply/trade runs.

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