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joe pa fired


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Why would you riot over this? That is fucking dumb, he was going to retire after this year regardless


The only reason he was going to retire at the end of this season was because of the public outcry against him after this scandal. At the beginning of the season he said he hoped to coach another 5 seasons.

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A LITTLE BOY GOT RAPPED, he know about it, AND HE DID NOTHING. I don't get what the outcry over him being fired is all about.


Imagine if that was your nephew, son, little brother. You would want to kill everyone involved with your bare hands. But no, he's a football legend so every good thing he's done more than makes up for it. :dumb:

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A LITTLE BOY GOT RAPPED, he know about it, AND HE DID NOTHING. I don't get what the outcry over him being fired is all about.


Imagine if that was your nephew, son, little brother. You would want to kill everyone involved with your bare hands. But no, he's a football legend so every good thing he's done more than makes up for it. :dumb:



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You guys need to check out the grand jury report, its online. Page 20, victim 6. The child protection agency, and law enforcement knew what this guy was doing in 1998. It's all there in black in white. Not one more child needed to be hurt if theses people had been doing their job. It never should have got to "the showers" in 2002. More heads need to roll.
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A LITTLE BOY GOT RAPPED, he know about it, AND HE DID NOTHING. I don't get what the outcry over him being fired is all about.


Imagine if that was your nephew, son, little brother. You would want to kill everyone involved with your bare hands. But no, he's a football legend so every good thing he's done more than makes up for it. :dumb:


You guys need to check out the grand jury report, its online. Page 20, victim 6. The child protection agency, and law enforcement knew what this guy was doing in 1998. It's all there in black in white. Not one more child needed to be hurt if theses people had been doing their job. It never should have got to "the showers" in 2002. More heads need to roll.


Yep, I thnk this is the best summary of the situation. May all of them including joe pa rot in the darkest part of hell with the rest of the little kid touchers, democrats, GOP leaders, any member of a boy band, and Dan Marino.

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Yep the really wierd part is the DA, Ray Frank Gricar that dropped the investigation in 1998 just vanished in 2005. His work laptop was discovered in the river close to his car in PA near an antiques store, when they went to his home his computer had searches about what water damage does to a harddrive. The police tried to recover data on the laptop and nothing was able to be recovered because of the water damage. None of this guys family or friends have seen him since 2005. :wtf:




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Yep the really wierd part is the DA, Ray Frank Gricar that dropped the investigation in 1998 just vanished in 2005. His work laptop was discovered in the river close to his car in PA near an antiques store, when they went to his home his computer had searches about what water damage does to a harddrive. The police tried to recover data on the laptop and nothing was able to be recovered because of the water damage. None of this guys family or friends have seen him since 2005. :wtf:





I thought that the "missing" DA story that was being started was just a hoax of sorts. I guess not. Maybe he wanted to be with his brother. His brother drowned himself near Dayton awhile back and they said that he was bi-polar. Maybe this guy was to and at the end of his career he realized what he had covered up. All conspiracy theory bs at this point. This whole child sexual abuse story is only going to get stranger and more disgusting as time goes by. Hard to tell what is uncovered as they dig deeper.

I just hope that Sandusky is alive long enough to endure what is to come in jail.

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A LITTLE BOY GOT RAPPED, he know about it, AND HE DID NOTHING. I don't get what the outcry over him being fired is all about.


Imagine if that was your nephew, son, little brother. You would want to kill everyone involved with your bare hands. But no, he's a football legend so every good thing he's done more than makes up for it. :dumb:


From what I have read, they were allegations and he did do something. He told 2 higher ups that are responsible for investigating and overseeing the employees. If I went straight to the cops every time I heard an allegation I would be ignored as the boy who called wolf. Everyone acts as if no one has ever been mad and said that the source of their anger had done something terrible. In this case the allegation may have been ( I believe it is) true. That doesn't change the fact the Paterno relayed the information to his and the violators superiors. Tressel gets in trouble for not telling anyone and Paterno gets in trouble for telling someone...what are you supposed to do?

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I've never disliked PSU or JoePa but I'm glad they fired him he shouldn't be allowed to leave under his own terms. Many more need to be fired and go to jail over this.


And all this rioting is a fucking joke, bunch of dumbass college kids who can't comprehend the magnitude of the situation. Do they realize they are supporting a man who was involved in a coverup? And thats just what he did! He has a legal and moral duty to inform law enforcement PERIOD.

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