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I find it so annoying that my wife is salaried, and is always slammed busy with work to do. I'm a flat rate paid technician, and I can't count on work from one day to another. Today is typical, the service advisor who writes all my work isn't here so I'm getting fucked, while my wife is at work getting stuck with more work because someone else quit.


I'm so tired of double standards, and the pussy fuck butthurt way things keep going. I wish my wife would get paid for the work she does, we'd never have money problems. She's good at what she does, and always ends up fucked because of it. I'm good at what I do and like getting paid the way I do, because when there is work I turn more hours then the rest of the shop and it really shows that I know what I'm doing. Yet here I am not doing much because the butthurt fucks who can't keep up with me don't want to let me do much today since my service writer isn't here.




okay theres my rant, bite me if you don't like it.

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I agree, salaried people get raped, I was talkin to a friend of mine one time and he said he added up his hours one week vs how much his check was and almost cried, he said he would never do that again, but that's corperate america these days, do as much as you can paying as little as possible to do so.
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It depends on the job. My bonus makes up for the ass raping I take all year.


This would make my wife laugh, "bonus whats a bonus" she'd say.


She's a systems analyst for medicare, been in medicare for 13 years, so if anyone knows where this experience would get her paid feel free to let me know.

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Scott, find a new job doing the same thing? I would, if your getting punished cause advisor isn't there that's BS. I know my store has more than one advisor for team, so no one is ever left without someone giving them work.


Salary people get dicked time to time, but it's also good as well. Double edge sword.

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That sucks man. It sounds like your in the position my dad was before he quit. They had hired in a bunch of newbies that couldn't keep up. After a couple of them bitched about not enough work (they were expecting a line up of jobs) a couple of the service writers started just evenly distributing the jobs. Problem was, my dad would be done while some of the newbs still had 3 or so jobs to do and prolly weren't gonna touch that day.
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I know your pain. That's how Toyota direct was. If your service writer was off or took a vacation, you were screwed. At Germain it's not like that. You don't have one writer. And it runs so smooth. Decent amount of work to get 10+ flat rate hours per day.


I've been looking to get out of cars because you can't budget. You never know what your going to make. And that sucks.


Luckily my wife is a occupational therapy assistant and makes the money.

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I know your pain. That's how Toyota direct was. If your service writer was off or took a vacation, you were screwed. At Germain it's not like that. You don't have one writer. And it runs so smooth. Decent amount of work to get 10+ flat rate hours per day.


I've been looking to get out of cars because you can't budget. You never know what your going to make. And that sucks.


Luckily my wife is a occupational therapy assistant and makes the money.


I'm just more annoyed then usual because I had a good week going, now its going to shit. Oh well thus is life, my writer had a death in the family so I can't blame him for not being here.


The service manager keeps talking about going to having a dispatcher that will handle the work and see that it gets booked right, that would potentially fix a few issues around here but who knows if that'll happen.

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Your in service. Get used to it.


I was waiting on some lame ass short response like this, you think I don't know how much my work load can change and how many variables are involved? This thread started out more how i can't beleive how much crap they can find to cram down my wife's throat, and I'm slow.

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Tax write-offs for business. You are doing it wrong if broke for the first 10 years.


tax write offs only apply to certain purchases and last so long.





and when a company starts, your broke right after you start it and it stays there until you start making a profit enough to pay it all off and actually make money.

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I was waiting on some lame ass short response like this, you think I don't know how much my work load can change and how many variables are involved? This thread started out more how i can't beleive how much crap they can find to cram down my wife's throat, and I'm slow.


It's a lame ass response to a lame ass complaint. Make the money. I write service, and yet I still make the money I need. You do what you have to to make the money. If that shop doesnt make it for you, go somewhere else. A majority of my techs make at least 40 hours a week. The ones that want more make more. /thread


P.S. Sorry about your wifes situation.

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