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Black Friday 2011


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Where can I find the information on this?



You know the only bad part about these black friday sales is they limit the supply. Sure 199 for a tv sounds great until you realize they may have 2-3 of them in the store


Minimum of 10 per store.

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Ok and 10 will be what they have. I remember when Tickle Me Elmos were the toy to be curb stomped over, my mom and aunt went out to pick up a couple for my sister and cousin. They were within the first 15 people in the store and didn't end up with one cause they were all gone. I'm just saying it sounds like a great deal, but if you're not one of the very first ones in the store its not even worth going out for. To those risking their lives next friday, godspeed
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which one you going to? I'm thinking Polaris to stay away from the ghetto boys and girls, less shooting possibilities i think.


That's exactly where I am going. I got into a physical tug-o-war with an old lady over the last laptop several years ago. I let go and the hoe went down like a fat woman overstepping the line at a bowling alley. f'realz. People are nuts.

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That's exactly where I am going. I got into a physical tug-o-war with an old lady over the last laptop several years ago. I let go and the hoe went down like a fat woman overstepping the line at a bowling alley. f'realz. People are nuts.


they do a ticket system now just to prevent issues like this. so we wait in line, get ticket, buy item. should be no tug of war anymore.

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I remember when Anthony, Jones, Brian and a bucnch of us sat up at Walmart starting at like 11PM thanksgiving. There were 20 Laptops they started handing out at 5am, my wife got one and I got one. Walking out I was a little nervous, hundreds of people watching us walk out, some just following. No security in sight. That was the last thing I bought on Black Friday. And that laptop started acting like a piece of shit before the next thanksgiving.
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FYI if you are looking at the 32" LED LG tv that is $299 a staples on black friday.


You can get it on Amazon now for $1 cheaper and no tax and no sitting in the cold.

Just picked one up for the bedroom.




$10 off $100


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