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Toys R Us= Giant Fail


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About a month ago I got the idea to do a toys for tots event. I asked a few buddies of mine if they'd be interested in helping out some kids this Christmas and from there the idea grew. Since we are all car guys, we decided why not make it a Toys For Tots Cruise. We could have everyone come out in their cars for one final time this year, buy some toys and then donate them to the Salvation Army. Sounds like a great idea right?


So armed with this idea I called my local Toys R Us store as I know the local bikers here do a very similar event (they just did theirs 2 weeks ago). I call in and get a cashier and ask to speak to a store manager, the manager gets on the phone and I explain the following to him:


"Hello, my name is Josh Moore and I just have a couple quick questions for you regarrding an event I am trying to put together. I along with several of my friends are wanting to do a Toys for Tots charity event involving cars. There will be between 50 and 100 cars, depending on the weather and who forgets to show up (mind you the local Toys R Us has a big lot). We are not requesting any donations or anything of that nature, more so just seeking permission to all meet up in your parking lot, buy toys from your store and then go donate them. We would be at your store no longer than an hour and a half, I will make sure that no trash is left behind and that no one is a nucianse to your workers or other customers."


The guy tells me that he isn't the one in charge of giving out such permission that I would need to contact coorperate. Ok thats fine no biggie, or so I thought. I get on Toys R Us website and find the coorperate phone number and give them a shout. I get a nice lady who tells me that she is not the one to contact that I have to write an email asking for permission. Still not an issue I hang up and promptly send them an email stating the exact same thing I said over the phone. Two days go by and I get a generic reply from them stating that they only donate to their charity which involves Marines...ok I don't want charity, I just want permission. So I email them back again, this time I get no reply.


Fast forward to today, my wife calls in and finally gets ahold of someone with some sort of authority. My wife explains everything I have tried explaining to a manager and some email address, the lady tells my wife to hang on one second and she'll be right back. The lady comes back on the phone and tells my wife that Toys R Us has a non soliciting policy inside and outside of the store. Her and my wife continue talking and my wife explains how we aren't selling anything, aren't asking for donations and that we'll be spending money in the store. The lady says sorry thats just the policy. So my wife then ask about the bikers doing this same event and even having a hot dog concession stand outside while doing it. The lady says "I'm really not sure, it's just what I was told".


So long story short, Toys R Us is a huge pile of shit! Luckily Meijers was willing to allow us to use their parking lot as the meeting point and accept our money in the process. It just so happens I have an interview with my local newspaper (The Newark Advocate) on Wednesday, so i'll be sure that Toys R Us gets some publicity, it just won't be the kind they want. I can see it now "Major toy store says no to car enthusiest wanting to donate to children". That'll look good on them, not.


Sorry for my rant, had to tell someone about it haha

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This is why these things tend to take months and months to navigate through the proper channels. With more time and phone calls you would have eventually been given permission. Yes they shouldnt make it so difficult however as a customer I dont want there to be a charitable drive in front of the store everytime I shop. I am sure they make it available to what they feel is a valuable charity and for a time period they feel wont turn away customers. You'll have it at meijers and will probably be more successful in the long run due to the volume of traffic and meijers lower prices on comparable products. They probably did you a favor. I wouldnt be to mad, their charity drive will give them national recognition, and they did take the time to hear you out. Wait until you deal with a place that wont even return or take your phone calls even after knowing its for charity.
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While im generally not an advocate of people taking stupid shit to the media, i agree that toys r us doesn't know whats good for them. retards.


I could see it if they were concerned about parking spaces during the holidays, or additional risks with people flooding the parking lot, but damn wtf.

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Yeah agree that they probablly did us a favor. I just find it idiotic that a group of 400 bikers get the ok, but a group of 50 cars are told no. idk it just rubbed me the wrong way I guess. If I was asking for money or free toys and they told me no then ok sure I wouldn't be so mad. One of my buddies just text me and said what would they do if we all showed up to buy stuff, tell us no we don't want your business?


Jeffro they are never busy, thats why I figured we could do it there. Hell during Christmas season their lot is half empty. Hell I figured they'd love the extra business. Each car has to buy atleast 1 boy and 1 girl toy, that adds up very quickly. I could understand if i was was wanting to do this on Black Friday lol, but 11am on a saturday morning when no one is out and about here in Newark/Heath, cmon!

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Its all about notariety. If you guys were a huge group they felt would draw in an audience like news channels you would be there instead of the bikers. Next time tell them about how much publicity you are having for your groups event and they will be seen by television viewers. The better you make it sound the more they will show enthusiasm about having you.
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I am sure they will have a news channel doing a story on the day of. Even if the bikers dont make it happen toys r us will. I wouldnt get to crazy in trying to make a point. Keep in mind(and I speak from years of charitable work and being a board member of a few as well) you dont want to burn any bridges that may at somepoint help you in the future. I would stay diplomatic and either fire off a letter to Toys r us's president's office explaining your views or simply say to a reporter if you go that route that you had originally planned on having the event elsewhere but they couldnt accomodate you this year but hope in the future things could change to help support a needy cause. Dont let being frustrated/mad right now screw you down the road. Things happen for a reason and as stated I think it will be better in the long run. You dont want to get the reputation with business' that your group is vengeful if they dont get what they want. That only works with groups that actually have power based on money or powerful members. Keep in mind you were probably one of several dozen groups, even larger groups, that asked to do this. There are alot more legestics that go into having an even on site than you would think. Permits, sometimes licenses, police ect... all take time.
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just my opinion, but things like this are generally handled best in person. while the manager says over the phone he has no control over that. sometimes if you have a meeting with him face to face, you can see that they have more authority than they let onto. honestly what manager would not want to boost his sales for the day. plus a phone call isnt as personal and he might not have taken you as serious, as if you would have been there in person.
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I see what you're saying WNAPLAY, I however know for a fact that no news medias were there. My wifes step dad was one of the bikers there and we have gone in years past and donated toys as well.


I would've had no problem meeting with the manager face to face and maybe that would've been a better route to take. I honestly don't feel that would've changed the end result though. I guess it'll be one of those "what ifs" in life at this point.


Greg here is a link: http://www.newarkadvocate.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2011111070303. A single picture is all this even got publicity wise. I could've had the legit factor as well, as I have a couple local companies that have donated money towards this and told me they had no problem backing the event if that was needed (in regards to putting a legit name to the event)

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Man, they've got a website and everything!




Police stations, fire department, non-profits.


I'm not saying T-r-U was right to turn you away, but I wouldn't slam them in the press because they didn't know who you were or what you were on about.

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I bet if you slam Toys r Us in the interview they just cut that part out. And if they don't I'm sure toys r us will never see it in the nationally published Newark Advocate. :rolleyes: I suggest to keep contacting Toys r Us until you speak to the right people rather that looking like a tool durring a Newark Advocate interview.
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Man, they've got a website and everything!




Police stations, fire department, non-profits.


I'm not saying T-r-U was right to turn you away, but I wouldn't slam them in the press because they didn't know who you were or what you were on about.


So I just need some fancy little name and a website then I am official? If thats the case then I will start looking around for a web designer and a catchy name because I would really like to turn this into an anual event. Anyone know where to begin in terms of becoming an official "charity"? I could probablly start by emailing those in charge of "rollingthunder" huh


I won't look like an ass, i'll just mention that other stores told us no and that luckily Meijers was nice enough to say yes.

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Talk to a lawyer about setting up a non-profit charitable organization. Then talk to your local police department.


The website and cheesy name come after that.


Haha, I just emailed "rollingthunder" asking if they was a legit orginization or if it was just a name they used to organize events under. I also asked them how they went about getting permission and how they got started as a charity if in fact they are one.

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Heres what you need to do. You can have a website up and running in about 5 mins using one of the website generators.

1. Pick a name

2. Go to Ohio secretary of states webpage and see if name is available

3. set up nonprofit corporation by clicking the link and fill out form 532, mail it in with $125 check

4. Go to irs website and download form 1023 to apply for tax exempt send back

5.register with ohio attorney generals office as non profit


Should take an hr, minus waiting for your id numbers.

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Heres what you need to do. You can have a website up and running in about 5 mins using one of the website generators.

1. Pick a name

2. Go to Ohio secretary of states webpage and see if name is available

3. set up nonprofit corporation by clicking the link and fill out form 532, mail it in with $125 check

4. Go to irs website and download form 1023 to apply for tax exempt send back

5.register with ohio attorney generals office as non profit


Good deal, maybe i'll take in donations at the event to cover the $125 so I can do this annually.

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Starting in 2006 you are required to file an annual information form. Failure to do so will automatically cause you to lose your tax exempt status. Not sure about everything that you have to file. That may be it. Anything your organization does that isnt spent directly on charity is taxable. You cant set up say cr as a charitable organization, raise $20 and only spend $10 of it on charity or use the other $10 for track events. The $10 not spent on charity can be taxed. Look into irs form 990. And thats 1023 501 c3 I believe for initial startup.
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