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Fatality on 270, bicyclist?!?!


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I don't know the paths on that side of town. But the Olentangy trial goes within about 50ft of 315 on the north end of town for a good distance (at least a mile). Twice last year I saw where cars had went off of the highway, through the chain link fence which was the only thing between the highway and the path and onto the path. All it would take is bad timing.


It seemed like there were accidents all over today too for some reason, even more than normal for just a rainy day in Columbus.


If this is what happened, I've been worrying about this exact situation for a while. If they were riding on 270, well just see what Wagner posted above.


Edit: None of the news articles I could find have any good info.

Edit 2: Looking at the maps in that area seems like none of the paths come close to that intersection.

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That part of 270 is fairly higher then the surrounding areas, and the only thing down there I can think of is the closed park you can't off road in anymore, but someone would've taken a flying leap off the freeway for that to have been involved.
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I grew up near that part of town. If it's where I'm thinking it is (where 33W intersects with 270NE/SW), then there is no bicycle "path" or anything like that. Instead, it's just freeway. People don't usually ride bicycles there.


I was like WTF? when I heard this too.

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Good thing it got him before the cancer did.


Natural selection at work. Too bad it inconvenienced so many others in the process.



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I woke up to this on the tv as well, I first thought "wonder if he was riding his bike to work"


I'm thinking that now. Probably just, literally, a poor guy who can't afford a car riding to work trying to make a living. Still a bad and illegal decision to ride on the highway.

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Yeah definitley a bad decision looking back on it, but at the time it was prob the only choice he had (assuming he was poor and going to work). I am sure details will emerge about the accident and the individual later today



Yep.....I remember when the guy/kid was killed right at the end of my street off Snouffer. Then not long after the one on Sawmill at Billingsley. Both were in the dark too.


I don't care if it's legal or not, neither of those roads are safe to ride bikes on let alone at night. Drivers just don't see or even expect to see a bicycle at night.


In this case no way to have expected it on 270.

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Posting from heaven now...and everyone gets free CF framed bikes up here! fuck my old aluminum bike!


If the mode of transportation is biking, I'd say mebbe you didn't quite make the cut to get into Heaven .......


just sayin' :p


Everyone knows that Heaven is the place where they hand out F-bodies and free gas cards.

Edited by Doc
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