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2 speeding tickets in less than 3 months...WTF!


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Never got an actual speeding ticket...I got a reckless op when I was 18 and another when I was 20...that ish sucked. One Gahanna, one new albany. The one in new albany was BS though. Cops got called because they said there were some street racers. Cop arrived, I was the only person on that side of the street with a divider, I get pulled over, asked a bunch of questions, told I was lucky he wasn't taking me to jail right then an impounding my car. Let me go, called me that night and said to come down to the station the next day, and he wrote me a ticket for street racing and then said he would not accept anything less than a reckless op. Keep in mind he didn't see anything illegal, he was going soley based off what 1 person said they saw. Then I saw the police report and a 5 year old could have written a better account of what happened, and they didn't even get vehicle colors correct. It was such a cluster and after 9 months of fighting it, I wasn't getting anywhere so I settled for taking a reckless op and 8hr defensive driving course just so it would all be over.


This system is obviously not innocent until proven guilty, not about what can an can not be proven, but whose pockets are deepest and obviously NA's pockets were a bit deeper than mine.

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Going 670WB the first day they had the crossover for 670EB into WB lanes. Before all the shit, its always been 55mph. Offcer Cockknuckles lasers me in a 55mph zone, follows me til I'm in the 45mph construction area (all while dark, no lights no sirens at 11:46pm), then pulls me over and cites me for 66 in a 45 with 2x fine for construction zone. Considering I was cited for 21 over in a construction zone I was fucking AMAZED that it only cost me $170. Still, not happy that I was a max of 11 over at any given point (I was doing 66 in the 55 zone, 55 or thereabouts in the 45 zone) and he went out of his way to fuck with me. Also, he cited "moderate-heavy" traffic on my citation...at 11:46pm...on a Sunday. Dick. Only good thing he did for me was leave Reckless Op off the thing.
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Going 670WB the first day they had the crossover for 670EB into WB lanes. Before all the shit, its always been 55mph. Offcer Cockknuckles lasers me in a 55mph zone, follows me til I'm in the 45mph construction area (all while dark, no lights no sirens at 11:46pm), then pulls me over and cites me for 66 in a 45 with 2x fine for construction zone. Considering I was cited for 21 over in a construction zone I was fucking AMAZED that it only cost me $170. Still, not happy that I was a max of 11 over at any given point (I was doing 66 in the 55 zone, 55 or thereabouts in the 45 zone) and he went out of his way to fuck with me. Also, he cited "moderate-heavy" traffic on my citation...at 11:46pm...on a Sunday. Dick. Only good thing he did for me was leave Reckless Op off the thing.


I feel ya, mine was pretty shady too there.

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I cruise 9 over without thinking. Never been pulled over for it. Never lead, stick to the middle lane, go with the flow and keep your eyes open for cops and brake lights.


Always heard "Nine you're fine, ten you're mine". I usually try to keep it around there but I figured with my tires going bald my speedo would be less accurate than normal.


What gets me is that I haven't had a speeding ticket since I was 17 (8 years) and I am NEVER the fastest car in the area.

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Always heard "Nine you're fine, ten you're mine". I usually try to keep it around there but I figured with my tires going bald my speedo would be less accurate than normal.


What gets me is that I haven't had a speeding ticket since I was 17 (8 years) and I am NEVER the fastest car in the area.


Nope I got a ticket for 72 in a 65 once.

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Drove to Indianapolis for Thanksgiving. Just like any sensible person, I was not pressing my luck there or back. With the exception of the last 20 miles down the dark state route back to my house. Just so happened I passed a state boy 6 miles from my house. The thing that pissed me off about it was the lecture/ashamed talking to that I got. All conversation was brief and the last thing before he walked away to write me a ticket was, "sshheesh, 72 in a 55..." as he shook his head like I had dissapointed him.


Im not mad I got a ticket really. I was the one speeding. I really wasnt trying to speed, but I really wasnt trying not too. I was just cruising along in la la land while everyone was asleep in the car. Sucks that I got a ticket after cleaning up my record but oh well. Wont be the last. The thing that irritates me the most is the fucking price increase in Madison county. Fucking 151.00! It used to be like 110. Now each mph over is pro rated as well over 9mph. Any subsequent ticket within the year is automatically 200.00!

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Always heard "Nine you're fine, ten you're mine".


This has always worked for me. My only supplement to that rule is if you're in some smaller town that has their own cops, I try to stick to no more than 5 over. It's my belief (and this has been backed up my many cop friends of mine) that those guys don't have as much going on (as compared to say CPD), so they are far less lenient of speeders.


Following these rules, I've gotten 2 speeding tickets in my life. One for 70 in a 55 when I was 19, the other for 88 in a 65 back in 2002. I've never been pulled over for speeding otherwise. Follow those rules and they are very effective. Now if you have some stupid car that sticks out, all bets are off... :lol:

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