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It's that time of year again...

Otis Nice

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Time to give rather than receive. As we have the last 3 years my family and I will be taking a portion of what we would've spent on each other and buying gifts for a family in need. It could be a family in which mom and dad are out of work, a single parent raising kids, etc. If you know of or hear of anyone who may not have much PLEASE PRIVATE MESSAGE ME.


This isn't something to blast publically. This isn't a publicity stunt. It's just something we decided to do privately as a family a few years ago after seeing a mother unable to buy gifts for her kids. My family has gone through tough times and we don't have much but we've been blessed with so much more than some others and we believe in passing on the blessings to others. We want this to be 100% anonymous. We don't want the family to even know us or our names. We just want to give Christmas to a family. Plain and simple.


Thank you.

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It's become our favorite part of our holiday season. We like buying a little for each other but surprising someone and just giving with absolutely nothing in return is the best feeling in the world. It's so great to see a kids face light up when you're standing there holding a bag of gifts and then just split and let them have a good Christmas with their fam.

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Since its that time of the year, I'll show you what I have going on tomorrow





I'll let you know how it turns out


That's great man. Great idea. Best of luck and I wish I were closer! I'd stop by! :)

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Thanks man, I stole the idea from the local bikers that do it yearly lol. A couple of them were even a little pissy that my event got more press then theirs, I didn't know donating toys was a popularity contest. My event is in its 1st year, theirs has been going for 26. I have hopefully 50 cars coming, they had 400 bikes this year....they prob need more help gaining intrest then I do though haha!
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As a family we are all rather lucky. My family hasnt given each other gifts for several years because they tend to buy whatever they want year around. When the holidays come around theres nothing they want/need and I hate buying something someone will just throw away or just sit around and never use. How is everyone else finding people to donate to this year?
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