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Rear end cover leaking.....again.

Dr. Apex

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My rear end cover is leaking again for the 3rd time. 1st time I resealed the original cover twice within a couple months it and then replaced it with a new stock Ford cover. Problem solved for just over a year until now as I noticed it leaking again. The rear end fluid is fucking expensive and this is getting old fast, reccomendations on a better rear end cover?? I see a few online, much of any difference with them??


I'm thinking all the track abuse this summer caused the stock cover to deform maybe but either way I don't want to keep doing this especially considering the cost of the fluid.

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You mean the permatex you buy at the auto stores? Black, red, copper?? If so it is already sealed up with the black stuff both times(1st time was a gasket), still leaks. Where do I get the GM engine sealant?


For a cover I just look for something with "mains support"??

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No it is a brand name http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41YM90UwnqL._SL500_AA300_.jpg


I would find it hard to beleive that anything would leak with this stuff, I've sealed up both the 10-bolt and 9inch in my camaro with it and never had issues. I don't use the gaskets on them unless I'm at work. If you want to try the GM engine sealant, refered to as GMS, you can get it at any dealership parts department, just make sure there aren't any hard spots in the tube. GMS works as much like a glue as it's a little harder to get apart then the Right Stuff but they both work great.

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cover like this http://lh4.ggpht.com/_rGJIeePpCpo/SxF9WNRGEsI/AAAAAAAABdY/QclB7odmPzM/1994-2004%2520Mustang%2520GT%2520Rous.jpg


If you're going to buy something like this make sure you seal the jack bolts or they will leak. Personally I don't feel like these covers are worth it, but to each his own.

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I would find it hard to beleive that anything would leak with this stuff, I've sealed up both the 10-bolt and 9inch in my camaro with it and never had issues. I don't use the gaskets on them unless I'm at work. If you want to try the GM engine sealant, refered to as GMS, you can get it at any dealership parts department, just make sure there aren't any hard spots in the tube. GMS works as much like a glue as it's a little harder to get apart then the Right Stuff but they both work great.


GMS and GM engine sealant are two different things. they quit making GMS many years ago, it was a dark gray. it was replaced with GM assembly adhesive #12346141 which is light gray like the engine sealant just easier to take back apart and you should be able to get it still. people still call it GMS because they use it the same but there are some new parts guys that have no idea what your talking about.


ben, GM part number 88861417 is what you want.

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