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Really Rick Perry?


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I've succumb to the influence of the world we now live in. I'm ashamed.


Say 69 hail mary, look at the picture below, and say you are sorry for allowing the evilness of the world control you. You know exactly why you were put on this earth by God to do. Get to it my son.




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Say 69 hail mary, look at the picture below, and say you are sorry for allowing the evilness of the world control you. You know exactly why you were put on this earth by God to do. Get to it my son.


"Salati, a ten-month-old leopard, and her best friend, golden retriever Tommy, like nothing more than to run amok before settling down for a friendly cuddle."


At least it's a male dog and a female cat.

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Ricky Perry and Michelle Bachmann tie for the wost candidates in the run for the Presidency.


I think they all are except Ron Paul. But he can never win. We're fucked, Weeeeeeeeeeeeee


Anyone in Congress or in the senate that has been there for more than 4 years should be asked to leave too. If you claim to be a democrat or republican, there's the door.

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I think that's exactly his point.....if we can finally overcome gays in the military then why is there such a fucking stink about people trying to be politically correct about prayers in school or calling it Christmas vs Happy Holidays, etc.


I'm with him, tons of people have a faith of some sort in which they reflect or pray, so if schools choose to take 2 minutes to allow for it in the morning then so be it. If you're kid doesn't have a faith or pray, then just explain to them to use that time to stay quiet for 2 minutes each morning or to use that time to GTFO of the classroom and use the bathroom.


Thats not fair because muslims need to prayer more then 1 time a do. Discrimination i say.

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They get a seperate sink to wash their feet in.... :dumb:


Thats true, MY sister worked at a mostly muslim owned daycare and she mentioned that. MY god requires me to let off fireworks when i pray so should i do that in or out of class?

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Thats true, MY sister worked at a mostly muslim owned daycare and she mentioned that. MY god requires me to let off fireworks when i pray so should i do that in or out of class?


Fireworks must be set off every 3 hours.If you so happen to be in class you must set them off.

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