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Sebring to Bently conversion kit.


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Silly lads. :slap:


This type of kit is for someone who's trying to impress with appearances. I put it in the category of Cobra badges on non-Cobras, knock-off watches, cubic zirconia jewelry, and a huge roll of one dollar bills with a hundo wrapped around the outside. You're only gonna fool the fools. Anyone whose opinion you'd value will know that ice ain't real.


I didn't buy the Bentley for its looks. I don't think the body looks all the great, frankly. I bought it for its power, speed, the refinement of the driving experience, and for the craftsmanship that went into it. If you don't happen to value those things, you'd be wasting your money on a Bentley. :p

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I didn't buy the Bentley for its looks. I don't think the body looks all the great, frankly. I bought it for its power, speed, the refinement of the driving experience, and for the craftsmanship that went into it. If you don't happen to value those things, you'd be wasting your money on a Bentley. :p



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Thought so, too. However, why would you start with such a pos to begin with?


Nevermind. Answered my own question immediately. Large, cheap convertible.


Agreed I HATE the "chassis" with a passion. I am still not a huge fan of most* kit cars.



*couple exceptions

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