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Keurig coffee-maker problems?


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Only posting this to see if any other Columbus residents notice a problem with our water...


I got a simple Keurig 1-shot coffee machine for Christmas. Set it up last night, and ran 10oz of water as per instructions to flush it out. Distilled/bottled water recommended, but I used tap water.


This morning - got the day off work - I go to have my first K-cup of coffee. It was a French Vanilla flavor that I've had before, but I dumped it out after a couple of sips...horribly metallic tasting. Does anyone else only use distilled water for their coffee makers? I don't normally make coffee at home...

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Yeah I believe thats what they recommend. We have one and had to get another one after it failed. It would not suck up the water from the tank to brew the cup. After looking into it more it seemed like the machine did not like tap water and it would clog up the feed tube over time.
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Funny you mention it because over the holidays I couldn't drink coffee at our family's place because they don't use filtered water. Even our coffee that we brought with us tasted like crap.


I've never used a Keurig at home. Only in small businesses that use them where most are hooked to a filter system.

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Not sure if the problem you experienced was entirely due to the water, but I'm a believer in only using filtered water for coffee. If a coffeemaker requires de-mineralization, using filtered water or distilled water will cut down on the need for that, besides improving the flavor.


About twenty years ago I started drinking (almost exclusively) water from a home distiller, which distills and then uses an activated carbon filter. I use it for coffee, carry it with me to drink when away from home, even use it for ice cubes. It's really spoiled me for the taste of pure water.


What got me on the "pure water kick" around 1990 was reading articles on the decay of the public water systems in cities and even in homes. Since this part of the system is past where water is typically tested by public health officials, further purifying the water seemed like a smart idea. However, once I started drinking the homemade water, I did it for the taste.

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Distilled or at least filtered. It makes a difference in taste and the life of your coffee maker/ease of maintenance.


You should also clean your coffee maker properly every month, as well. The taste will bitter over time and because it's gradual, many will not notice. Also, do not use soap or put your pot in a dish washer.


Use proper ceramic and metal mugs/cups. Plastics will alter the taste due to absorbtion over time. I promise you.


You should use a measuring cup or jug for adding water to your coffee maker, not the coffee pot as it is possible to mix coffee oils with the fresh water. Again, this not only alters the taste but contaminates the fresh water well in your maker.


Contrary to what you may believe, using less coffee grounds/beans per pot will not lessen the bitterness of coffee. It will actually make it taste more bitter. That's just a little trivia...


I drink my coffe plain, black. Any alteration in the taste is immediately noticable to me. I used to think all these little things couldn't be enough for me to taste a difference, but trust me, they are.


If your coffee still taste like ass, buy better coffee. Throw that shit Folgers out. ;) There is a HUGE difference in the quality of coffees not to mention flavors. (I dont mean vanilla or chocolate mint, etc, either.)


I love grinding fresh beans in the morning. Smells like coffee's already been made and I haven't even started it, yet. So fresh.

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If you're using regular water from the faucet without running it through a purifier this will happen.


I don't use Keurig, but if we do a 10 cup grind and don't use our water purifier for a while (need to buy a new filter) the water usually leaves some crap behind in it that gives the coffee a weird flavor.


I know one of my roommates uses the K-Cups while the rest of us grind our own beans. I can't say I enjoyed the K-Cup too much. Not worth it when I'm drinking 4 cups a day.

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