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Parents, don't teach your kids to "play" like this.


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No, the kid was a slob and wouldnt play in any league I have been in. He wouldnt have a had much of a chance, clowns like that usually know when they dont have a chance, and you would be surprised at how they get away from someone who will make htem look stupid. But this fatty wasn't 'that' much of a bully... I mean for christ sake it was 4 fouls (two was the other dude) of a matter of a whole game.... who knows how far apart that shit is.


To the people you could hear screaming to "t him up" and "get him out"... that shit goes on in like every fucking game in high school basketball, fans (parents) that go to those games are fucking stupid....



Basically, i am arguing with someone who doesnt know much about hte sport, but saw a video that 'looks' bad to someone who doesnt... and that is fine, but it is pointless for me to further explain it. Clearly there are others in here who HAVE played the game, and agree with what I am saying. So instead of arguing, I will just post random pictures.



By the way, I bet eleventy billion $ that the fatty dufus was more laughing at hte people in the stands yelling at him, than at what he had done.... Seen it hundreds of times...


Listen, Michael Jordan, I get what you're saying. I've played plenty of competitive organized sports. Granted, basketball wasn't one of them, but I understand hard fouls and all that stuff. I'm just saying that, based on what I saw in that video, I wish fatty would have got punched in the face. That's all, the end.


Now we can go back to you posting pictures of your facial hair.

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Whoever says this play is normal is bunk. Played organized ball and played industrial league ball and at 6'4 245 i never took any ones head off and yes i was the enforcer. I'd hand check, put a body or butt on them but NEVER intentionally try to f them up just move them


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What some are no realizing is that these are HS players and most likely not inner city. Take a kid that is larger than most, that tends to give him more confidence earlier in life. Why he is able to clearly get away from it against those kids, he would get it handed to him vs. a person his own size with just as much confidence who has basketbal experience. His size and confidence with it is what allows him to dominate other kids not any type of actual skill. The kid is using the only weapon he has on the court. This isnt normal play and its definately not normal for most of those kids in the video.
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#1, not flagrant, kid is just not that good, lacks coordination and missed his swipe at the ball and hit hte kid... personal foul, good call.


#2, not 34 this time, 42... it is a foul, from another not very good player, going after the ball in a very uncoordinated sloppy manner.... personal foul, good call.


#3, again, fatty just sucks, thought he was going to take a jumpshot and went for a very uncoordinated swat... personal foul, good call.


#4, Number 42.. flagrant personal foul, shoves the guy in an attempt to get ball/defend hoop. But that kind of push is pretty forking common so, if it had been his first foul, a lot of refs would have just called it a personal foul. But he shoved the kid, that is excessive. Not a great call.


#5, Flagrant intentional foul, though borderline to just flagrant personal foul. Fatty is uncoordinated and not good at basketball, and uses his weight to get an advantage. He was clearly going ot stop the kid from driving to hte lane, but no way did he mean to wrap up and drop hte kid beforehand. I am sure he didnt mind it at all though. Bad call.


#6, Personal foul, but at this point, a lot of refs would call the T just because of hte previous fouls.. but again, fatty sucks and was using his weight combined with this poor basketball skills hoping to get the ball, not trying to throw the kid on the ground. Not a horrible call...



Basically, the guy that put on the video is clearly a whiner that doesnt know much about how sports are. The team definitely had 5 good fouls, two of which shold have been Technical, but those fouls probably go on in eleventy billion games every month.


PS, the slow motion shit is retarded, things arent that slow, reactions and poor coordination dont work that slow


DING DING DING Here is the winner


The other team should give up basketball and get into theatre. Their acting was way better than their ball handling.

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