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All tuners created equal?


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A good friend of mine from the Akron area, someone that I know some of you here know, posted this up on Facebook today. I think it was definitely worth the read. Hate if you like, but I think it makes a good amount of sense. Anyway:




I'd like to thank ShockerJoe for bringing this to my attention.

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I read the article, saw his question at the bottom of the article, and immediately answered in my own mind.


Then, I read the first Comment:


Slappys Blog on January 4, 2012 at 4:49 pm said:

I blame the internet. Plain & simple. But wow what an awesome read this was.


100% correct. The Internet - and the amount of time we ALL spend on here - is the biggest issue. Funny that I read this thread and the "Dear Wnaplay" thread in the same half-hour block. PEOPLE DON'T KNOW/CARE HOW THE WAY THEY ACT ONLINE AFFECTS OTHERS.

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Cliffs: Everyone who modifies their car, regardless of goal, are cut from the same cloth. Segregating based on style or form of racing only hurts the mod scene and doesn't help it.




Someone wanna fill me in on these tl;dr posts and the meaning?

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Why are there fucking power rangers at bottom.


(i just skimmed thru the pics)


Part of the article was talking about "JDM" and how it supposedly means function over form, whereas the Japanese tuner culture is a lot more accepting than ours and welcomes even the most outlandish cars.

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I read the whole thing. I guaruntee whoever typed that up is a butthurt rice fag with a slow car.


Thanks for contributing to exactly what he was talking about. You obviously didnt comprehend it very well. Charles Kha is a very big name in the industry....


Not everyone that modifies their car is trying to be fast.

Edited by Dumpheezy.
Chillin' the post out...
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I'll admit there are some things that I hate on, mostly because I'm mostly about functionality. All I want my cars to be is good at whatever I have them for. None of my cars make people pay attention to them, not on purpose anyway. This is what makes it hard for me to appreciate a riced out car that does nothing but scream "HEY LOOK AT ME!".


Anyway the article makes some sense, but people really need to learn to accept the internet and get some thicker skin. When people realize what I'm doing to the Camaro after I made into something a lot of people on this site respected, I'm going to get flamed. Especially when those same people see me playing much more with a Miata. I think it's hilarious, I'm going to laugh harder when I get asked to street race because it isn't happening.

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Your Miata looks fun as fuck but I don't see you sprouting some huge "we should all just get along" poem out of a freshly grown vagina


Nope, no vagina over here, and I could care less if everybody got along. Disagreeing is human nature, the "we are the world" types can have the fucking trees they are hugging fall on them for all I care.

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Excellent article. I've said so many of those things at various times to different people. Just because someone does something you wouldn't choose to do doesn't mean I can't appreciate it and/or respect it. To each their own. One of my biggest pet peeves are the "know it alls" who sit around bashing "noobs" because apparently they were born with every piece of automobile knowledge already crammed into their little, judgemental heads. We all started somewhere and not everyone has a good example to follow. Instead of bashing someone to make up for your low self esteem, why don't you try helping them? It'll feel better in the end.
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I almost feel as if this article exemplifies what I've been trying to make a point to everyone. Cordell, as one example, has seemingly come around and eventually understood.... let me explain why I point out Scott in a sec.


I realize I'm on a forum where most owners drive domestic cars with the intention of being fast, however, that doesn't keep me from trying to get along with everyone, and even sharing my own interests of modifying cars.


A lof of you know very well, my idea of a modified car is nothing like yours, and I think the general consensus is that my VW has been everything but practical/functional to your standards. That's not the point.. the point is: I'm here to appreciate, learn, socialize and join in on the camaraderie between everyone seeing how we all have the same general interest- Cars. I've made friends with a good lump of people on here, who are really just out to have a good time just like me, and it was the interest of cars that brought everyone together.


Cordell; He has made it pretty clear on a couple occasions that he hates imports, specifically Toyotas... I've known that since day one. That will probably never change, but to hear him compliment my car, which I've put a decade's worth of hard work into, was extremely rewarding because to me; he was appreciating the hard work, rather than just saying it's some stupid import piece of shit Toyota. I want to say I gained a complete new respect for Scott, to admit he really enjoyed what I had to show off, when I know for a fact it usually isn't to his taste at all. For fucks sake, he even owns a Miata now, which he openly admits is a blast to drive... that's a complete 180 from his camaro.


Truthfully, I don't care what you drive... I have more knowledge in imports, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate what everyone else has to share. I don't think the guy writing this was butt-hurt over anything at all. Instead, I think he was making a pretty un-biased observation, and I completely agree that people have the mentality where it's me vs you, even if we DO drive the same car.


I don't think everyone will EVER get along, but I think the entire mentality of the auto enthusiast has pretty much gone in the wrong direction. Instead of banding together, we're just out to get each other by the throat.

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Let me first say that yes Farkas put a huge effort into his cars especially the Toyota, and like his brother know how to do a nice job putting stuff together. I can respect what they've both accomplished.


Now I don't think the author of the article is butthurt, but is writing about some butthurt people. The "can't we all get along" attitude doesn't work, do I think some people take bashing too far, of course, but what are we supposed to do about it?



and Farkas, I own two Miatas.

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