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Dear wnaplay...


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Dover, You seem to be missing the point altogether. It is a closed, private section of CR. A place where members, and paying sponsors can report issues and alert us to problems, sometimes things that people don't want everyone else to know. A place for only the Staff of CR to be able to read and deal with issues. A place where we can discuss the future of this place, and how to deal with certain members and issues that come up on the forum. Do you really think the members on CR want these private matters to be public knowledge? In the hands of someone like Phil? Absolutely fucking not.


No its not a matter of national security. It was a way for someone with a thick skull like you to get the idea whats said in private is suppose to be private. Its no different than working a job. He was basing it off of a job he knew you had to get the point across. ;)




For the record, since everyone has questioned the state of my mood before talking to me this morning. I have been in a great mood this morning. It is starting to go down hill slightly. :dumb:


I am normally a very laid back person. But don't piss me off. I can stand up for myself even in the face of the man with the worst fucking moods in human history. :no:


As Anthony has taken on the "Retired Admin" state more and more, I have taken over a lot of those responsibilities. He is an extremely forgiving person. I am not. I do not have time to deal with bullshit, and I won't. This is the kind of BS that will stop.









If you wish to discuss this subject further, feel free to PM me.

Edited by wannaraceLS1
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Nothing that was read was sensitive, not my fault Jason ran his mouth in a closed section. If it was such a sensitive touchy thing he should have kept his mouth shut or manned up and said something to Phil, we all have cell phones. But no people feel bigger and badder behind a keyboard. I am the EXACT same person in person. I told that (19 year old) exactly how I felt about him in person AND on CR. I gave him the opportunity to fix the situation AND WHAT DID HE DO, he fixed it. He came in an apologized. I DROPPED IT, maybe you should have read the thread to get your facts correct about that....


I hardly ran my mouth. If Phil hadnt realized I was still upset with him, thats his fault, I made no effort in hiding it since it happened. Yesterday when he saw what I wrote I wasted no time confirming it in a message to him on facebook. I have seen Phil one time since our argument and that was at cr's anniversary party, hardly a good time to chat about it. I waited all day for him to arrive at cr's carshow whenever that was so we could chat about it. So like you I called the guy out on it, will he "fix the situation" as in your story? I dont know its been a long time now and I havent heard from the guy. Its not about manning up, that would mean Phil would apologize, you assume that means there must be a confrontation.

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Being that Nathan and I are on the same side as Anthony/Tina on a daily basis with COS, you guys really just dont understand the amount of personal stress you guys put on admins on a daily/weekly basis. being a married couple running this isnt exactly easy either. If you guys new the shit storms that arise in my house when disagreeing with how to handle situations on the forusm.. well.. lets just say its good thing we like you people.


Im not saying the rewarding side of running a forum isnt worth it, but jesus sometimes you guys (the general You, not the CR you, in my case) really make it difficult to want to keep running things.


You are damned when you do, and damned when you dont and most times its at teh same time.


Personally I want to thank all the admins and mods here, and while i wish we had YOUTUBE embedding. ( ;) ;) nudge nudge {blah blah security smecurity}) I know that you guys put up with a lot of shit and i appreciate you for it.


I have no current opinion on the whole Jason/Phil debacle. Carry on.

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There is no issue between Phil and I. We had a disagreement awhile ago and it was left at that. There was never going to be a fight or no major blowup. I posted I dont care for Phil because of how things went down and unbeknownst to me he assumed it was a done deal. When he saw that I had posted that I didnt care for him in the mod section he took offense and started this thread. By the time I seen this thread it was already closed and Phil was banned. I hit him up on facebook just so he didnt feel that I was speaking behind his back and reminded him that he knows what my issue was with him and the fact that we have remained civil on cr didnt change that. Had Phil of just stated that he was sorry or was just fucking around and didnt realize I was taking things personal this would have never been an issue. Its really not an issue now. Based on on our disagreement I dont think to highly of him and apparantly I assume he feels the same about me. If I was pissed at the guy I would have been banning him from threads, infracting him or whatever else I could just to fuck with the guy, but I didnt and still wont if/when hes allowed back on. The issue with Dover and the admins is not my issue thats between those guys nor my place to get in the middle of.
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CR is not America. People do not have a right to be here. People do not have protected speech, beliefs, or anything for that matter. Really the only thing that is protected here is your identity, to the extent that you want it protected.


Everyone maintains that the mods/admins COULD handle things differently. Thats true. What is also true is that the success of this site is owed exclusively to the mods and admins cultivating an environment that suits a majority of the thousands of members on here. A majority of the members here don't want CR to become full of 4chan and reddit trolls. A quiet majority of the members here love it every time a clown gets banned. A vocal minority will always be here to loudly proclaim the failure of the system and its leaders, but that doesn't mean the site should be run for them.


If you don't like banhammers, start columbusracingtrolls.com and market it towards dissatisfied CR members. Don't want the headache of running a site? Then don't complain about others' methods of running their own site.

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Mods and admins are people who are on the site for similar reasons as everyone else. Most people get to strictly enjoy the site for what it is, but take Anthony, he has a full time job and family, and when his downtime comes around, instead of just enjoying the site for what it is, I assumes hes bombarded with pm's and issues from users. Add to the having to deal with other site issues, there really isnt alot of tolerance for nonsense. I wouldnt say its a burden to be a mod but it does take away from strictly coming on here to BS. I dont think any mod wants to be hated but your bound to piss people off, hell we do it now and the site really isnt all that strict. If we follow every rule put in place the site would either be shut down for lack of traffic or you would never have any of the sillyness that goes on and most people would be bored with it. Unfortunately theres a fine balance between the 2 thats not always apparant on how to achieve.
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CR is not America. People do not have a right to be here. People do not have protected speech, beliefs, or anything for that matter. Really the only thing that is protected here is your identity, to the extent that you want it protected.


Everyone maintains that the mods/admins COULD handle things differently. Thats true. What is also true is that the success of this site is owed exclusively to the mods and admins cultivating an environment that suits a majority of the thousands of members on here. A majority of the members here don't want CR to become full of 4chan and reddit trolls. A quiet majority of the members here love it every time a clown gets banned. A vocal minority will always be here to loudly proclaim the failure of the system and its leaders, but that doesn't mean the site should be run for them.


If you don't like banhammers, start columbusracingtrolls.com and market it towards dissatisfied CR members. Don't want the headache of running a site? Then don't complain about others' methods of running their own site.



Part of me wanted to edit your post to say "I suck dick" for the lulz/irony, but I still

want to know what Tina is wearing.

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Being that Nathan and I are on the same side as Anthony/Tina on a daily basis with COS, you guys really just dont understand the amount of personal stress you guys put on admins on a daily/weekly basis. being a married couple running this isnt exactly easy either. If you guys new the shit storms that arise in my house when disagreeing with how to handle situations on the forusm.. well.. lets just say its good thing we like you people.


at least some of the people on here share a common interest, my wife hates cars and cr lol

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CR is not America. People do not have a right to be here. People do not have protected speech, beliefs, or anything for that matter. Really the only thing that is protected here is your identity, to the extent that you want it protected.


Everyone maintains that the mods/admins COULD handle things differently. Thats true. What is also true is that the success of this site is owed exclusively to the mods and admins cultivating an environment that suits a majority of the thousands of members on here. A majority of the members here don't want CR to become full of 4chan and reddit trolls. A quiet majority of the members here love it every time a clown gets banned. A vocal minority will always be here to loudly proclaim the failure of the system and its leaders, but that doesn't mean the site should be run for them.


If you don't like banhammers, start columbusracingtrolls.com and market it towards dissatisfied CR members. Don't want the headache of running a site? Then don't complain about others' methods of running their own site.


People always want to bitch, bitch about people just talk shit on the internet, then they turn around and talk shit on the internet about someone else.


You want to see what a racing site looks like with no mods?




That place has some great stuff, but you have to wade though so much shit talking, bullshit, and trolling it really can be a problem.


Most of the trolls and shit talkers on here would not last long there. Hell I had some guy tell me he was going to kill me a while back on there. Did I start some thread about it? Nope, just told him to go suck start a shotgun and went on with my life.

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