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All Hail The New MODS of Jan. 2012


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I would not use the term boss, more like older brother who allows you to drink but gets pissed when you throw up in his custom van.


All you have to do is click the fourm leaders button at the bottom of any site like this. It tells you who is who and where.


Mods only have power over certain sections. Super mods can roam free and abuse their power anywhere.




If we made Johnny Bravo the mod of a section you could only change posts in that particular section. If we made Johnny Bravo a Super Mod, well he could e-rape anywhere he saw fit.


Next lesson: How to turn a troll thread into a thread full of gifs, cat pics, and fart jokes.


Makes cents to me, bauce.


Thanks for the explanation. :cool:

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Math, not your strongest subject?






There are four levels.


One person on each level is wearing sunglasses.


That makes four people wearing sunglasses.


One person is wearing just glasses. Another person is wearing headphones. Do you count regular glasses or headphones as sunglasses?

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There are four levels.


One person on each level is wear sunglasses.


That makes four people with sunglasses.


One person is wearing just glasses. Another person is wearing headphones. Do you count regular glasses or headphones as sunglasses?


Bullets in Nose is wearing Sunglasses on his head.





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