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Hey there....how's it goin?


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Hey Tim and Anthony! Man these last couple years have been crazy. Lived in Ashville for almost 2 years and now relocated to Jackson of all places due to the wife now working out of a clinic in Portsmouth. My two little girls are keeping me crazy busy, so much in fact I've kind of trained myself to not get online much, and devote as much time to them as I can. But now things have settled so I hope to read more on here and maybe even make some meets. Getting lonely with no social outlets and need to let something happen, LoL.


How's the photography going Tim? Get any new toys in that respect? We should chat sometime! I've got a couple things.


You still rocking out the bird and MW Anthony? Good times.


Is Rob still active on here?

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I messed around with a younger chick from Ashville, she was hot but had terrible breath. Or maybe it was Ashland? Anyway it was worth it.


LoL. I wouldn't doubt it being Ashville. It's kind of like living in the backwoods of Columbus. . . very strange people. Although quiet and nice in it's own way.

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