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Trouble Maker

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What Would CR Do?


Positives: Our rent is inexpensive. Our land lords are raising our rent for the first time in ~3 years by only ~5%, but it will still be inexpensive. They don't care if our rent is a few days late. They will call us if it hasn't gotten their by the 5th and we can hand drop it off (has been lost in the mail a few times). Despite that they've never charged us a late fee. They are nice people and always seem to be willing to work with you on anything.


Negatives: They don't do very much for us... are slow to not fix things correctly. The condo complex does very little upkeep, won't tow cars in your spot or parked illegally... they are saying one of the reasons for the rate increase is the condo complex is increasing their fee. We notify our landlords about issues around the complex and nothing is every done.


Anyways, it's not all roses but it's not really not bad at all. I've had much, much worse experiences with renting at places that cost much more than our current place.


So, onto the question. They tried to mail out our increase notice in December but mailed it to our neighbor who sent it back return to sender. They sent us the original letter postmarked December in another envelope and we just got it. They are raising our rent effective Feb 1. This is not the 30 days notice we are supposed to legally get. Should we push the issue or not?


We are moving out sometime this year one way or another, likely buying a house somewhere in town. So maybe not worth it to push the issue.


Really, it's only $35 but there is some principal and legal 'rightness' behind pushing the issue.

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If you're on your way out soon I wouldn't make waves over $35 month. Who knows if the once kind-hearted management will be offended and you end up losing your deposit or fees on top of that. I'm not saying all apartment complexes are shady, but I have been burned a few times.


On the other hand, I understand it's the principle, but sometimes letting shit slide works out in the end.

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If you said, "Hey, you mailed this to the wrong place, this isn't technically giving us the right amount of time," then, if I was the landlord, I'd say, "Oh, so sorry. Remember all those times that your rent check got lost in the mail and I never charged you a late fee? Yeah, well then I guess you can appreciate that mistakes happen, right?"


I'd bitch a little bit to CR about your landlord not technically giving you enough time and then write out my rent check for February - with the $35 fee increase included - and go on worrying about more important things.



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I wouldn't mess with it for a mere $35. If you want to get in a beef, come to CR and fight for free, why fuck with your landlord over a few bucks. Ask yourself which could cause you more grief in the end.


May not be the best landlord, but it sounds like they give up just as much in return. I'd leave well enough alone and come here to fuck with people instead.

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If you said, "Hey, you mailed this to the wrong place, this isn't technically giving us the right amount of time," then, if I was the landlord, I'd say, "Oh, so sorry. Remember all those times that your rent check got lost in the mail and I never charged you a late fee? Yeah, well then I guess you can appreciate that mistakes happen, right?"


Well, when our rent got lost in the mail, it did actually get lost in the mail. Twice it's gotten to them weeks after we sent it looking like it had been mailed to Antarctica and back. We just told them to keep it for the next month. This didn't get lost in the mail, they actually wrote the wrong address. They only have 6 rentals and only had to mail this to 5, it shouldn't have been that hard. Admittedly there have been times I sent the rent on the 31st or 1st when I forget to send it early and they are super cool about that.



I'd bitch a little bit to CR about your landlord not technically giving you enough time and then write out my rent check for February - with the $35 fee increase included - and go on worrying about more important things.




But this is very likely what we will do.


I would get drunk.


But then I would have 35 less doll hairs to get drink. :no:

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