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Winter 2012 Pics


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We've not had much, but post up what you have. Here's one from this past snowfall up in the Cleveland area.


Canon 5DMKII & Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM





Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5

My handy little travel camera



Edited by TTQ B4U
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Did a 6 month shoot for my Buddy's little girl. She's pretty awesome. Got this one of her gazing at her first Ice Storm. The DOF is a bit shallow but she was moving around so much and I don't have an external flash I had to take every bit of advantage I could get to keep my shutter speeds up.


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Here are a few of mine from today. At blacklick woods. Since you have to stay on the trails, and cant go off the path I had to zoom in a lot to get all of these shots.


Lots of people there today taking pictures.







This little guy was pretty far up in the tree




Random Tree carvings












Ohio weather, starting to grow... And then the ice comes..



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Thanks fellas, yeah I had PP'd that picture some but I am not claiming to be a master at it.


not sure if there is anything I can do to correct the DOF issue :-/


The one with the tree carvings could lend itself to B&W with the contrast it has, might look nice.

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the Mark II is nice. I only have the Mark I.


Curious, Mark II does full frame video and autofocusing right?



The MKII is a recent pick up I made having found it with low use locally. Bought it mainly for low light events that I shoot. Everyday walk around though, I still use my 40D 90% of the time.


Movie wise I'll never use it for that. Yes it does autofocus, but there's no continuous focus option and to be honest the focus is so slow.


It's a nice evolving feature, but outside having DOF which of course if very nice, it sucks. Especially when compared to an actual video camera. If I were to do video production work, I'd drop $4-5k on an entry level Panny.



  • The drawbacks are 12mins. in 1080P mode
  • Works only in Live View Mode
  • Sound is Mono Only, and it picks up even the slightest noises, like lens IS, aperture changing and lenses autofocusing. Even my USM lenses cause sounds to bleed through. You wouldn't notice it at say a kids recital, but then the sound is mono and again, I like to hear the full 5.1 my Sony HD Cam captures there. Even Canon recommends and external mic.

Overall though, the camera is amazing. I still use my 1DMKII for sports though as while the 5 series is nice, sports isn't it's forte.

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I took a few over the weekend but realized the IS was set to "Off" somehow when I got home. Not sure if I have a collection of blurry white abstract but I will post up a few tonight if they aren't horrible.


Other than my user-error, the new Canon 70-200/2.8 II is as good as advertised :)


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Got back out to Oregon this past week and was able to run to Multnomah falls again and got there just as the sun dissapeared. They had gotten A LOT of rain so I knew the falls would be carrying a lot of water. Set up the tripod and snagged a few there was quite a bit of mist from the rain/falls so I didn't want to stand there too long. Not sure I am entirely convinced of the shot, yet I was thrilled to use the wide angle lens :). Not really sure I like the shots yet but it is what it is.





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No ND just UV. Which was very handy with all the droplets of water. The picture isn't entirely clear so not sure if that works out good.



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Went downtown today to kick off the superbowl celebration.


Today they had an indy car per NFL team painted for that team. Lined up at the circle.



Portrait of my friends, which are Packer fans



All of the super bowl rings were on display, took a pic of the reigning champions.


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