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After hours of anthony begging me to come back i finally accepted his offer. You whiney bitches have no idea how much i didnt miss you. Im not gonna lie, the only person i missed was tilly. the rest of you cock gobblin, non racing, cry baby ass hoes can suck on a small pig dick. Brian carter text me everyday asking me to log in. :fuuuu: Bringing the drama back like lebrons hairline. Oh, and fuck the new mods:gabe:
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Cordell, worst mod of 2012. Modifies your posts, locks people out of threads, is a whiney bitch, etc.


as ive heard from many people.... let the guy get his first taste of authority and he goes nuts. gotta love people that have been on the bottem so long

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Cause that made so much sense... :jerkit:


Umm there is no invites lol..I'm smarter then that to invite ur retarded self to a formal wedding..


let me break down a 2 sentence insult for you.



1 " suck my dick" id think pretty self explanitory, but if its not then lets dig deeper. By me telling you to perform oral acts on my penis, its a degrading fashion as you are a man, as am i. in prison, that one that is performing an oral act on the other mans private area is known as "The Bitch".


2. "Pussy Whipped" In essance, when someone calls you this, they are baiscally saying that you are now under the power of the P.U.S.S.Y. most guys find a way to control this substance, but for the few that dont know what to do with it have their lives re manned. By being Re-manned, you have now given up all your rights as a man to have any say in the control of your destiny. In a profesional setting this is considered a yes man.


hopefully that helps you understand what i just broke down in one sentence.

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