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Graphic...Drop the Weapon...

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im not saying that 10 shots were too much, but he did the right thing.


I don't think the number of shots matters at all. That close and in the hands of a trained officer, he could and likely did put the typical two shots into the guy which would have killed him. He was obviously high as hell thus why his body didn't fall right away. So he put 8 more rounds in him, does it really matter? Guy was a dead man either way. It's not like the cops are going to shoot to wound.


Cliffs: 2 or 10 shots, doesn't matter, cops made the decision to put him down permanently. Training kicked in and the officer saw him just as he would a target at the range and saved the day and tax payers money.


I downloaded the vid to my HD if it gets removed.

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Don't bring a utility bar to a gun-fight.




Luckily, super-strict gun laws prevented this mentally disturbed individual from purchasing an assault rifle like the Mexican Cartels do here. Legislation is pending on the restriction of large metal bars, which in the future will require a governor's approval to carry in public.
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I think when you see something like this you have ask, "what would Jesus do"? Kidding. But you have to wonder what you would have done. Were there less means or force that could have been used to resolve the issue? Ten rounds; you know other things got hit by them bullets that went through him or missed all together. A leg shot or hip would have disabled the guy. I just think the cop probably caused his own paperwork problem in the long run.

I don't care an idiot swinging a tool around to hurt people was killed. people need to know that if you are being threatening, and a cop tells you to do something, you do it or get hurt.


Who ever recorded it, they were punks. They could probably use an ass beating

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Cliffs: 2 or 10 shots, doesn't matter, cops made the decision to put him down permanently. Training kicked in and the officer saw him just as he would a target at the range and saved the day and tax payers money.


I downloaded the vid to my HD if it gets removed.


Not the officer's decision. It's his job to defuse and handle the situation not be judge and jury. He isn't Sylvester Stallone. ;)


Now, my actual thoughts...

Guy was an idiot and probably on something. It was excessive force, however. Cannot be argued. The situation was controlled, the offender was accounted for as well as his location and weapon. The man firing is a trained police officer.

Yes, it was a excessive, but I dont think the officer should be reprimanded to the full extent. It is still his job to protect himself and others and a fine line was being ridden here. I don't think you can fully fault the officer or justify his actions. Just have to chalk this one up to not attacking a Carls Jr or officers with a large, metal tool.

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I think we need to take into consideration what the video doesn't show. If you look closely at :46-:47 after FIVE rounds (maybe they didn't all hit), the guy is still on his feet. Again, look closely and you'll see his hoodie above the Black Hyundai at :46-:47 after the first volley. If he was still up after five rounds, I don't think it would be a stretch to imagine that he was still trying to get up while on the ground behind the car, during the second round of shots. I was kind of thinking it was a bit excessive as well. But after watching it a few times, dude wasn't going down, and they had to do what they had to do.
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Something that might be pertinent about all the shots being fired:


I've been told that, when an officer discharges his firearm, other officers are instructed to follow suit. One, if one officer is firing, then it signals - by definition - that a perpetrator needs shot, and if the idea is to stop the perpetrator then two or three cops shooting him is, in theory, better than one, if the idea is to stop the guy. Two, if more than one officer shoots someone, then the cops aren't sure who killed him and therefore don't have to bear that psychological burden down the road.


Caveats: I don't if what I was told was just complete bullshit; I'm not a cop, I'm not an expert on cops, and I don't pretend to be. Also, I don't even know if more than one cop discharged his weapon in the video.

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Not the officer's decision. It's his job to defuse and handle the situation not be judge and jury. He isn't Sylvester Stallone. ;)


What's not the officers decision? I've yet to hear about an officer being trained not to shoot to kill. If they pull their gun, you best believe when they fire it isn't to just to disable you. I think he was completely in line with diffusing the situation. It doesn't matter how many times he fired. If the suspect was still on his feet, he was still threat and warranted more shots.


Just my expert opinion :gabe:

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Go for the part of the body you are less likely to miss. We don't need a bystander killed from a ricochet because a cop aimed for an arm or leg. The officers will have very little issues with this other than the initial report doesn't 100% match the video.
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I feel for the families of the guy who got shot. That being said if anyone steps to a cop, much less with a battle ax while he's drawn down on you, you're going to get dropped. I never understood how or why people think they can act aggressive towards a cop and get away with it.


On a side note i find the "running commentary" deplorable.

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