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Nikon Discontinued the D3s and D700--more FF coming?


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The 5D3 is actually the reason for the release of Nikons new bodies.. Itw as believed that they would hold off on it till next year, but Canon pushing up thier release nipped Nikon in the butt!



*UPDATE* 5D Mark III – February 7, 2012 [CR2]




Another source highly doubts February 7, 2012 is the date for an announcement. All the little bits of information that are leaking say it’s close, but it may not be that close. Please do not treat February 7, 2012 as fact until I can [CR3] it.



Another source says it’s odd that Canon & Nikon would announce on the same day. I have yet to see an actual invite to a press event for February 7, 2012. Good people are saying it’s coming that day, my gut is telling me otherwise. I do think the camera will be announced well before the 1D X ships.


More mentions

A few more people have mentioned February 7, 2012 as the announcement date for the 5D Mark III. The sources are good, though I am waiting for the definitive word on the matter.


It’s mentioned that Canon will also announce new PowerShot cameras, a new Legria camcorder and Selphy printer(s).


Kevin Wang, based in Taiwan, posted on his Facebook wall that he will be an official photographer for the 5D Mark III. (thanks Hansen)


5D Mark III Specs

If I put together everything I have heard, these are the specs of the 5D Mark III.



61pt AF

7.5fps (this I’ve only seen once)


New Battery Grip with Joystick

GPS Ready

No lenses were mentioned for the announcement date of the 5D Mark III. However, a solid source that reported the 24-70 f/2.8L II and 35 f/1.4L II a month or so ago, says both lenses will be shipping sometime in April. Lenses have always been the toughest to nail down.

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Nikon Rumors posted this as well 2 days ago..

Im so excited!


Nikon D800 on February 7th, Coolpix cameras on February 2nd

By [NR] ADMIN | Published: JANUARY 26, 2012



make sure you check NR on Feb. 2nd and 7th for the latest updates

I already mentioned about the Nikon event on February 7th, 2012 but I was not sure what would be announced on that date. It will be the Nikon D800. The camera will have 36MP (not 24MP like reported on several websites). The new Coolpix cameraswill be introduced on February 2nd, 2012.


For all US readers this means the official press release will be around midnight on February 6th and February 1st respectively.



I do not expect any other products to be announced at that point. The two new DX lenses will probably be part of the D400 (or whatever the name will be) introduction later this year (I hear end of March, but this may change).


The Nikon D800 will start shipping few week after the announcement.


The camera will be on display at the CP+ show in Japan (drop me a line if you are going to visit this show).


There are multiple Nikon events scheduled in various stores across the world where you will be able to experience the new D800.





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Holy crap 36mp!!


Hmmm might have to sell the mark II and upgrade to the III! Can't switch too much invested in canon glass! I do love canon


Unless they put a new focus system on the MKII hang onto what you have. If they bump it's fps they must have that planned but we'll see. Just my Lincolns worth. 36MP doesn't impress me much. I rarely shoot the MKII at a full 21mp now as it is unless it's going to call for a huge print.

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