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So awesome, it's nice to see Ohio is making an attempt at becoming less retarded. With our freeway congestion at rush-hour it would mean we'd need major roadway growth, but it's a giant step in the right direction. The current "SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT" signs don't do jackshit, and wouldn't even if they had strobe lights.


Actually the flashing stop signs are pretty good. LOL at the OSHP bitching about every law that makes sense.

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i think the real issue is just an over all lack of comon sense and curtosy of the vast majority of ohio drivers.



^^ this. They need to make people write out the keep right rule in ink when they renew their drivers license just so they grasp the importance of moving the hell over.


I tend to drive in the center or right lanes except when I only have two lanes, as the right lane drivers usually only go 65mph, then I keep left. I usually give more than a few seconds for someone to look up in their mirrors to see that I'm behind them. If they don't move, I blast around them on the right. 50% get the hint and move over. Others, like my ride down 315/71 today force a line of traffic to go around them :nono: Dumb asses.

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Who's gonna enforce this? The officer trolling along at 65 in the left lane himself?


Responsible super-awesome drivers like myself should be given officer-auditing ability so that LEOs can be ticketed. Checks and balances LOL

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Responsible super-awesome drivers like myself should be given officer-auditing ability so that LEOs can be ticketed. Checks and balances LOL


99% of the time when I see this either in my direction of travel or oncoming, it's State Trooper. Likely because they tend to clock oncoming traffic, hence why I stick to center lanes.


Sheriffs however tend to fly. I can't tell you how many times I have seen a sheriff cruising down the left lane 75-80mph+ I'm usually one of those fools that keeps a distance but keeps up :gabe:


Occasionally I'll see a CPD car trolling the left but not often. Mainly OSP.

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Could take a page out of the WV drivers manual under passing on the interstate. They run a limit of 70mph.


Speeds on Interstates

You should never drive faster than the legal speed limit. Do not drive slower than 55 mph on an

interstate unless the weather or road conditions are bad or a lower speed has been posted. Always drive

at a steady speed.

When you drive on interstates at a speed much slower than other drivers,

you create a hazard. Accidents

may happen because other drivers may be forced to change lanes abruptly. Always drive in the right hand

lane unless passing another vehicle.


In theory, if there is an opening in the lane to your right you had better be in it unless you are initiating or completing a pass. Granted it is not black and white as speeding or not speeding, but the "intent" you should have in the left lane is to pass the vehicle in the right lane. You could infer from this that 3 or more cars would have to be in close proximity and the lead vehicle in the left lane has either not made an effort or has not made progress in passing the vehicle on the right.

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Funny I saw the title of this thread and thought "I bet you anything this has to do with the left-lane law in today's Dispatch" sho' 'nuff...


I hope to hell this goes through, pisses me off to no end people that wont get over, especially people with control issues that seem to do it intentionally, I just want to straight knock them out.

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The response by every single person getting pulled over will be the exact same "I didn't know that"


Thought the exact same thing, what I was thinking is like put signs under existing speed limit signs that state the law, similar to the "Move over or slow down for Stopped Police Officers" Signs. That way it would be real hard to pull the "I didn't know" excuse.

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especially people with control issues that seem to do it intentionally, I just want to straight knock them out.


a few times on long drives if I encounter shit heads like that I make it a point to blast past them, move in front and then just coast with my foot off the gas until we slow way down and they finally get the fucking hint. One time I got down to 40mph before they finally moved over. Then just hammer it and flip them off. I'd love for it to happen on my way home tonight. :gabe:

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a few times on long drives if I encounter shit heads like that I make it a point to blast past them, move in front and then just coast with my foot off the gas until we slow way down and they finally get the fucking hint. One time I got down to 40mph before they finally moved over. Then just hammer it and flip them off. I'd love for it to happen on my way home tonight. :gabe:


I mean if you're just stupid and hanging in the left lane because you don't know any better thats one thing, but I swear there are people who like to go 65 in the left lane just to try and control the speed of drivers behind them, they like get off on it. An old buddy of mine would pull that shit, then when people would flame him he would flip them the bird/cuss them out. I swear he got off on the fact everyone else behind him had to abide by his driving speed. Those type of people really piss me off and I will get animated when I encounter them, but with concealed carry im trying more and more to remain calm (think Garret Gray).

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Also the left-lane law is strictly enforced on the Autobahn in Europe, i believe it is the primary reason the casualty rate is so low, despite the speed limit being so high.


The reason for this is because of the disparity in cars on the Autobahn. On the one hand, you had rickety old Trabants and Ladas still driving around for a while with Benzes and BMWs sharing the same space. A Trabant cruising at 50 in the left lane would be pulverized by a BMW cruising at 90.


I've discovered the best way to deal with shithead left lane drivers is with pressure. One common thread among Ohio drivers is that they hate to be passed and they hate to feel like the slow car on the road. Often times you can cure their nanny drivingism by slowing down a little bit and then speeding up towards them. It doesnt have to be stupid fast, just give them the impression that a faster car is approaching. I'd say 8 times out of 10, this gets the car in front to speed up to a normal level.

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