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They caught kipp and a fellow cr member, got In some trouble too


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Yeah. He had motives, and his vehicle was easy for witnesses to point out. Have you seen his f250? It's easy to pick out.


No, I haven't. I haven't been around him at all for a couple years now. He seemed decent enough back in the day. Pisses me off though, especially living right up the street from you, definitely not something I expected in this area. I guess it isn't what it was 15 years ago.

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No, I haven't. I haven't been around him at all for a couple years now. He seemed decent enough back in the day. Pisses me off though, especially living right up the street from you, definitely not something I expected in this area. I guess it isn't what it was 15 years ago.


About 3 weeks ago a drunk guy in a stolen van took out my neighbor's car and a light pole. A few weeks before that, same scenario, but with a car at the other end of the street. Let's not forget to mention vehicle break ins on my street, that's a common occurrence. As far as kipp goes, he was a tool a few years ago too. I've never seen any good in him.

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When you're 15...ok sure. When you're 22+...no. Are you saying if you were with them and they took off when the cops arrived you would have been right there with them??


If nothing else the guy was riding a stolen bike and ran. I'm sure he's a decent enough guy but that right there equals jail time.



Are you freaking psychic? I was 15 when a bunch of guys took off so I followed... Looked back saw cops and stopped. They yelled at me to go home and kept running after the other people.


Stolen bike.. damn sucks to hear.

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About 3 weeks ago a drunk guy in a stolen van took out my neighbor's car and a light pole. A few weeks before that, same scenario, but with a car at the other end of the street. Let's not forget to mention vehicle break ins on my street, that's a common occurrence. As far as kipp goes, he was a tool a few years ago too. I've never seen any good in him.


Wtf...I used to run around your neighborhood all day/night and it all felt like one giant back yard. We actually haven't had as many vehicle break in's in my neighborhood recently as we have in past years, but this is definitely an eye opener. Makes me reevaluate some of my priorities for sure.

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Wtf...I used to run around your neighborhood all day/night and it all felt like one giant back yard. We actually haven't had as many vehicle break in's in my neighborhood recently as we have in past years, but this is definitely an eye opener. Makes me reevaluate some of my priorities for sure.


Yeah it's gone downhill for sure. Too many high school kids playing gangster.

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About 3 weeks ago a drunk guy in a stolen van took out my neighbor's car and a light pole. A few weeks before that, same scenario, but with a car at the other end of the street. Let's not forget to mention vehicle break ins on my street, that's a common occurrence. As far as kipp goes, he was a tool a few years ago too. I've never seen any good in him.


you talk a ton of shit about someone you wouldnt confront in person. i like you aj, but you run your mouth so hard behind a key board, not once did you walk up to kipp and say anything to his face when he was in the same parking lot as you this summer. dont think your gf is 100% innocent chief, seems like she is the common factor in all these dudes hitting on her. ive had some long talks w/ her and you are no saint brotato. so just cause he cant defend himself on here, dont go bashing him. cause i got shit on you to if you wanna keep dogging kipp. and fyi, there are a shit ton of red f250s running around that area. dumbass

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I don't know either of these guys but I know a lot of people that had their bikes stolen and it sucks. I hope they book gets thrown at them, there's nothing worse than having your hard earned money stolen by some degenerate.



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Lulz. Idk why anyone would want to associate themselves with either of these fucksticks


because mopar wasnt a fuck stick before monday nite asshole. i love the perfect 100% innocent people the intrenet produces. i wish i had no skeletons laying around

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