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Yes another one.


Your kid gets caught smoking pot by the parents of their friend, Yes the parents know each other, yes you know the other kids parents will be mad. Do you call and let them know?


99.99% of the time I am very opinionated, we all know this, and I can tell you how I feel about almost anything at anytime. This I am not so sure about. I know its wrong for kids to partake due to lack of fully developing the consequance portion of the brain and altering the mind without fully understanding all that can go wrong. I would never be so naive to think my kids would have never do it or worse things for that matter.


Yes I would want to know. Not so much to punish my kid but knowledge as a parent is power. Not every parent is like this and deserves the right to make that decision to do what they feel is right for their kid. Some parents might not take this time to teach a lesson and go straight to punishing. I think I have my answer for myself, but what are other opinions?

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I don't ever wanna be in that situation, but I guess it won't be my decision. I've seen what drugs can do, my brother is what would be considered a worthless druggy. I guess I'd hope to catch it in time to put some serious effort into getting my kids to stop and learn.
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You absolutely tell the parents. Failing to do so makes you look bad if they find out in another way that you knew all along. Plus, wouldn't you want them to tell you if the situation was reversed? This allows them to parent their child in the way they see fit. If they could care less because they get high with the kid, then that's on them and they probably won't mind you telling them. If they are going to strangle the kid over it, then they will be very interested in knowing. Its not your place to parent another person's kid, but it is your place to give them the tools needed to do it themselves. This other kid has a direct influence on your own child's behavior, and if they are a little shit then its going to make your kid a little shit as well, and you need to know if you need to restrict their time spent together.


After I moved out (and moved 125 miles away) I found out my little sister had sneaked out of the house one night to meet up with her coke dealer boyfriend. So of course I called my mom, and she in turn called the cops on her. My mom had no clue she had been doing that and was very glad I had let her know.

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Actually, I would make the kid tell the parents while I was there. This gets the kid to understand they need to be able to articulate what they have done (right or wrong) and would be way more punitive in his/her mind.


At the very least a phone call, but I like this idea best. Besides, if the parents hear it from the mouth of their own kid then that absolves you of any guilty feelings at telling the parent.

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Actually, I would make the kid tell the parents while I was there. This gets the kid to understand they need to be able to articulate what they have done (right or wrong) and would be way more punitive in his/her mind.


was just about to post this.

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