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Just found a video of Nther91 playin xbox. he sure is mad.


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Ahh the Internet... Where a nobody can be a bad ass. Wait just post a pic proving your better looking, I'm sure a bunch of guys care what you look like. But the fact that you are married yet think of me everytime you get on line is really sad seeing as your wife should take up your time unless you're having problems?!. I could care less if you post anything about me man. Have your fun at my expense then bring your big boy pants to a track day (if you have a car) and we will see how a fat guy races.


Have a great day tell your wife I said hi if she hasn't left you yet for your obsession with fat men. Good luck getting me to care about you.. Who ever you are.. But I'll bet you post back cuz you are so upset.. Guess what I won't read it.


Back to reality where I still don't care..


Grow up so you can get off the porch and actually live life

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Ahh the Internet... Where a nobody can be a bad ass. Wait just post a pic proving your better looking, I'm sure a bunch of guys care what you look like. But the fact that you are married yet think of me everytime you get on line is really sad seeing as your wife should take up your time unless you're having problems?!. I could care less if you post anything about me man. Have your fun at my expense then bring your big boy pants to a track day (if you have a car) and we will see how a fat guy races.


Have a great day tell your wife I said hi if she hasn't left you yet for your obsession with fat men. Good luck getting me to care about you.. Who ever you are.. But I'll bet you post back cuz you are so upset.. Guess what I won't read it.


Back to reality where I still don't care..


Grow up so you can get off the porch and actually live life







































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Scotty already said it. WTF is the issue with a guy who would go out of his way to help just about anyone? He's a big guy, so that's all the game you have? Fucking cleaver!! Seriously you not knowing Eric, is you missing out. Dude is like a brother to me. And to read this bullshit from people who wouldn't have the balls to walk up and say hi, it's just weak sauce boys. Problem is, now you won't say hi because you'll be affraid you look like an ass when you get to know the guy. Issue with that is, you already look like an ass. Just introduce yourself, and then apologize.
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