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NASA Volunteer Questions


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This is mainly directed towards anyone who runs with NASA...if that's any :dumb:


Can you clarify or help me understand the whole volunteer point system thing that goes along with Great Lakes NASA?


I'm trying to find economical ways to get HPDEs this summer, this seems like the plan.


After reading this:


As a trained Official, our Volunteers earn points, which are recorded in their Volunteer Log Book. Your Area Chief, will assign you duties and sign your Log Book issuing the points you earned. A full days work will earn you 4 points. Once you have earned 8 points, you can redeem them for a single day of Track Time at any NASA Midwest or Great Lakes Region event. The points can be used for HPDE, TT or Race group registration prior to the event. (see more on redeeming points below)




It seems that each day you work, you get 4 points...so technically speaking you can work the whole weekend and earn 12 points?


Then the redemption is just essentially a standard single day track event? I'm assuming 3-4 20 minute runs is that?


Helping me better understand this would be awesome.

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You nailed it. 1 Day work = 4 points; 8 points = 1 free track day or save up 12-16 for a free weekend. When you work they give you a book like the HPDE passport to track your work time and has to be signed off on at the end of each day you work.


When you register there will be an option to redeem points for the free event. Just bring HPDE passport and volunteer logbook to said event your driving. If still not clear contac "Liz" on their website and she'll walk you through it.


HINT: Sign up to volunteer as soon as signup is available, volunteer spots fill fast!!

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You nailed it. 1 Day work = 4 points; 8 points = 1 free track day or save up 12-16 for a free weekend. When you work they give you a book like the HPDE passport to track your work time and has to be signed off on at the end of each day you work.


When you register there will be an option to redeem points for the free event. Just bring HPDE passport and volunteer logbook to said event your driving. If still not clear contac "Liz" on their website and she'll walk you through it.


HINT: Sign up to volunteer as soon as signup is available, volunteer spots fill fast!!


Awesome, when does sign-up usually open (any general # of days before an event)?


Looking at it, I can reg for the April 13-15 event...Is there any option only to volunteer just 1 weekend day or are you restricted to volunteering just Friday or Saturday and Sunday?


Fri Apr 13 Officials $0


Sat Apr 14

Sun Apr 15 Officials $0

Edited by M0nk3y
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Registration should be about open if it's not already. Usually friday is a seperate deal from sat/sun and I have only worked both days on a sat/sun so you may have to send in an email to Liz on that, she'll likely send you a form to fill out via email that will ask what events you want to work for the entire season, some events they do struggle to get enough workers at times.
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Registration should be about open if it's not already. Usually friday is a seperate deal from sat/sun and I have only worked both days on a sat/sun so you may have to send in an email to Liz on that, she'll likely send you a form to fill out via email that will ask what events you want to work for the entire season, some events they do struggle to get enough workers at times.


I already Registered for April 14/15. I sent Liz an email, never got a response back so we will see.


I'll be able to stay at a house in C-Bus overnight, so I'll be able to do both days now.


For the volunteering training, is that just 1 day?

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The training is just one day, and it's not much. She will respond eventually, they get a little slow this time of year with all the prep for the season. Odds are you'll work in grid, I always did, but its a decent place to work as you get to see everyones stuff up close.
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The training is just one day, and it's not much. She will respond eventually, they get a little slow this time of year with all the prep for the season. Odds are you'll work in grid, I always did, but its a decent place to work as you get to see everyones stuff up close.


Awesome. Thanks.


Hopefully see you there some date.

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