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Whores gon whore


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I'm not sure anyone is qualified to say what another person would/wouldn't do, regardless of profession.


I need a facepalm smiley...



Sure they can say what a given person 'will' do, but htey sure as hell could weigh in on what the average person be expected to do... clearly there are outliers...

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But I know damn well (moreso if I were single) that if she called I would take a date... because, why the fuck not? Its a date? Im not asking to go steady/marry/fuck me... the question at hand was a date. And of course, by human nature, I would do it for my own narcissistic reason to get back on facebook afterwards to brag to the world... just to have in my scrapbook of life of shit i did.


You is the correct term here. Not all others. And you would do it for a token status symbol. I wouldn't go on a date with her either.

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uugh, so many keyboard jockeys over here.



What do you expect? We are CR!! We have higher standard than the rest of the world.





















To those that say they wouldn't go on a date with KK, may be you want to go on a date with her brother instead??

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Her celeb status doesnt fog my lense... I also give zero fucks about her, and do not think she is "a dime" as you silly guys like to say. I never said I thought she was hot or anything else. But I know damn well (moreso if I were single) that if she called I would take a date... because, why the fuck not? Its a date? Im not asking to go steady/marry/fuck me... the question at hand was a date. And of course, by human nature, I would do it for my own narcissistic reason to get back on facebook afterwards to brag to the world... just to have in my scrapbook of life of shit i did. I think it is fair to say 99.9999% would do the same. This goes right with you JUST braggin about "hanging with celebrities all the time" Why did you feel hte need to say that? Just to make sure everyone knew you hung out with famous people?


BTW, who are these famous people? have you actually got to hang with htem? Did you get a picture with any of them? If so, did you post it online?


And for you to say "no way man, she is just some dumb whore, i dont even think she's hot" is just some BULLSHIT that dodus's say online in the safety of the internet away from the reality of things.



Where are Tilly or Doc to back me on this?




That's the difference between you and I. You have this celebrity fantasy about going on a date with her to brag on Facebook. I do not. I brought it up to prove a point. You care about her status, I do not. The reason is because I see it all the time. My perspective is completely different than yours.

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Clearly, reading comprehension is not your strongsuit if that is what you picked up on.


Clearly you can't wrap your head around the fact that not every guy cares about some stupid fucking whore who is CLEARLY looking to marry into money.



Next you will be saying that you don't think Kate Upton is that good looking, or you would ignore her if she tried talking to you.


I would have to google that name to even figure out who she is... still don't give a fuck.

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Marry into money?!?! Now I know you're just socially retarded




Please, I want to hear a logical, thought out answer from you, as to why you think she has a record for dating NFL/NBA players.... ASIDE FROM MONEY.


We all know she's not going to do anything with her life other than sleep around and marry someone who makes a nice salary who can support her shopping habits. She wouldn't be caught alive with some deadbeat, and you know this.

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Please, I want to hear a logical, thought out answer from you, as to why you think she has a record for dating NFL/NBA players.... ASIDE FROM MONEY.


We all know she's not going to do anything with her life other than sleep around and marry someone who makes a nice salary who can support her shopping habits. She wouldn't be caught alive with some deadbeat, and you know this.


She's worth about 35million, she also makes 40k per episode. I dont think she needs the money.

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^^^ this, to say the least. (not to mention growing up with a silver spoon in her mouth already)


Basically learn what the fuck you are talking about before you try to argue it.




Actually I am sorry. It is extremely rude to argue with the handicapped. I am ashamed of myself. I will not pick on you any longer.

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^^^ this, to say the least. (not to mention growing up with a silver spoon in her mouth already)


Basically learn what the fuck you are talking about before you try to argue it.




Actually I am sorry. It is extremely rude to argue with the handicapped. I am ashamed of myself. I will not pick on you any longer.


I already know what she makes, but like I said, she wouldn't be caught with a deadbeat.




Still waiting for my answer.

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This isn't an issue of who is right and who is wrong. This is a difference of how I was raised and my experiences in life that has given me a slightly more mature stance on women and what's important in life. If this offends you, which apparently it does, that is not my fault.


I'll be honest, I did come out in a way that was attacking to you, but in the process have exposed the real reasoning behind your fascination of Kim K that just makes you look like an idiot. I wouldn't bother answering me in this thread or at all, because I won't see it.

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I think she is way smarter than anyone gives her credit for.

Borderline marketing genius. Any time someones name starts climbing the "most commonly searched" list she finds a way to attach herself to it. It gets her more exposure, and more money without costing her a penny.


I'd venture to guess, if she is like most "reality tv" stars,... What you see on TV is all a show. Let's face it, no one is interesting enough to keep the lights on them very long. Create something that people talk about, stay in the lights, and keep rolling in the dough.

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