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Fucking Fuck


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So today I got to leave work a couple hours early, woohoo! NOT.


K, so Im driving home southbound on 270 from westerville heading home and when I get about a mile north of hamilton rd there is an f350 with a huge heavy duty trailor full of wood and trash a little ways up ahead of me. Well the guy apparently did not secure the load and a few pieces fell off and got kicked up by one of the cars behind him and barely missed the car in front of me but, managed to smash into the right front area of my car. All I could initially see was the antenna was bent and the mirror got busted off. So I slow down for a second to assess what just happened then I go to catch up to the guy. By the time i catch up to him he was already pulled over and getting out to check his load, I couldnt get over fast enough to get behind him so I go a little further and pull over and wait for him to pass. So I followed him off onto hamilton road and yelled at him to pull over so I can get his insurance information and he actually did which I thought was nice until he gets out and starts trying to bullshit around about how it looked like it was already damaged before and He wasnt going to give me his insurance information but, instead he gave me his business card and said he would pay me out of pocket and walked back to his truck. So I got his license plate and he drove off. So I called the gahanna PD and they say because it wasnt a wreck or vandalism that its up to me to handle it on my own. So I got a quote at a body shop and called the guy but, he didnt answer, so I left a voicemail and Ive still not gotten a response. It ended up scrathcing/ denting the fender and A pillar, broke the mirror which scratched the door and fucked the antenna up. Im going to call him tomorrow in the a.m. and if I dont get a response by the end of the day Im contacting my attorney to file a claim in small claims court. Im fucking pissed.


Sorry for the long ass post but, Im a little heated and wondering if anyone has any other helpful advice or does it sound like Im going about it the right way so far?

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What was it?


I dont want to release his info until after I give him another chance to contact me. Ill give him until tomorrow evening. But, if i dont hear from him, Im posting his shit everywhere. And ill start faxing copies of the estimate to his office non-stop until he acknowledges me. He's a small business owner and Im hoping he was just too busy and not purposely avoiding me.

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The dude prolly gave him some random business card he got off of somebody. Prolly trolled the shit outta wondergirl.


Unfortunately thats probably true which is why i got the license info. Im sure ill get fucked somehow. Oh, and fuck you.



Bumble Bee LOL

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Sam?! Lol





































































































And no it was not me.

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Last year I had similar incident; however, it was on 270 and large roll of corrugated piping fell off the truck and hit my car. The guy refused to give me any information saying it was my fault for not being able to dodge it as it was still bouncing around. This was during rush hour morning traffic and it was either serve into one the cars next to me or hit this.


I called the cops, got his company's name and number off the side of the truck, and his license plate number.


Called the company while the guy was there and they were giving me the run around. Told the guy the cops were on their way. Guy took off.


The cop shows up and gives the company a call and tells them they better take care of me or else he'd charge the drive with fleeing the scene. Cop hands me the phone and suddenly their attitude changes and they get me a rental and fix my car. No insurance involved.

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So i talked to him this morning and Im sending him a copy of the estimate. He says he wants to talk to his attorney before doing anything but, he does want to get this resolved and over with. The only bad part was he was still arguing with me about how a big ass piece of wood could not have possibly bent the antenna which blows my mind but, whatever.
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