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Hulu Plus


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I bought it for a month, but I didn't like it. The stuff they had was not interesting to me or my family. We do get a lot of use out if our Netflix though.


Same exact thing for me, I paid for it for a month and didn't really care for anything on there. Netflix on the other hand, gets tons of use.

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So, regarding Netflix... i am on my "free trial" portion, and I am kind of underwhelmed...


First it seems like the movie selection isnt great... Seems like several of the 'recent' movies i have searched for are not available? I saw Iron Man was on TV the otehr night, and thought "hmm I will just see if it is on netflix later"... I looked, and not found? Same with (I know it has to be bad) GI Joe movie that came out a few years ago?


Is this just because the trial version is limited?


Also, the category listing / browse function seems to suck, compared to say, Amazon movies. In particular, I really just want to browse through new releases, and by new releases I mean newer movies that have been released to dvd/interwebz. The "new releases" category on Netflix is just the random movies that are being released to it, and in no partiular order... a movie from 1967 will be right next toa movie from 1999, next to a random indy film from 2009.... it makes no sense to me!

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So, regarding Netflix... i am on my "free trial" portion, and I am kind of underwhelmed...


First it seems like the movie selection isnt great... Seems like several of the 'recent' movies i have searched for are not available? I saw Iron Man was on TV the otehr night, and thought "hmm I will just see if it is on netflix later"... I looked, and not found? Same with (I know it has to be bad) GI Joe movie that came out a few years ago?


Is this just because the trial version is limited?


Also, the category listing / browse function seems to suck, compared to say, Amazon movies. In particular, I really just want to browse through new releases, and by new releases I mean newer movies that have been released to dvd/interwebz. The "new releases" category on Netflix is just the random movies that are being released to it, and in no partiular order... a movie from 1967 will be right next toa movie from 1999, next to a random indy film from 2009.... it makes no sense to me!


No, it's not just the trial version, Netflix selection of movies sucks (especially the ones you can stream/watch instantly). I had Netflix for about a year, which was about 11 months too long. And I'm totally with you on their jacked up organization - "new releases" definitely doesn't mean what we all think it means.

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Netflix is better for TV shows/documentaries. The last movie I watched on Netflix was Limitless I think. Like 2 months ago, bored out of my mind. But it has Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Walking Dead, Lost, etc. I'd probably get rid of it if I were the only one using my account but right now my parents use it and my sister and her husband are watching stuff on there all the time so for $8/month I get to give them all a little something.


I won't pay for a premium service that still displays commercials. Fox can DIAF.



SERIOUSLY. WTF is up with that? I did the Hulu Plus trial on Xbox 360 when the app for it was released and there were commercials and I just lol'd and never used it again.

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Netflix is better for TV shows/documentaries. The last movie I watched on Netflix was Limitless I think. Like 2 months ago, bored out of my mind. But it has Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Walking Dead, Lost, etc. I'd probably get rid of it if I were the only one using my account but right now my parents use it and my sister and her husband are watching stuff on there all the time so for $8/month I get to give them all a little something.





SERIOUSLY. WTF is up with that? I did the Hulu Plus trial on Xbox 360 when the app for it was released and there were commercials and I just lol'd and never used it again.


Hulu Plus has commercials? That sucks.

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So, regarding Netflix... i am on my "free trial" portion, and I am kind of underwhelmed...


First it seems like the movie selection isnt great... Seems like several of the 'recent' movies i have searched for are not available? I saw Iron Man was on TV the otehr night, and thought "hmm I will just see if it is on netflix later"... I looked, and not found? Same with (I know it has to be bad) GI Joe movie that came out a few years ago?


Is this just because the trial version is limited?


Also, the category listing / browse function seems to suck, compared to say, Amazon movies. In particular, I really just want to browse through new releases, and by new releases I mean newer movies that have been released to dvd/interwebz. The "new releases" category on Netflix is just the random movies that are being released to it, and in no partiular order... a movie from 1967 will be right next toa movie from 1999, next to a random indy film from 2009.... it makes no sense to me!


I definitely just watched Iron Man on Netflix, so IDK what to say to that. We don't have cable and I don't own the movie, so there is no other way I could have watched it.

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I definitely just watched Iron Man on Netflix, so IDK what to say to that. We don't have cable and I don't own the movie, so there is no other way I could have watched it.


Funny, a few months ago we tried to watch Iron Man on Netflix and it wasn't available for streaming. Maybe it just recently became available? I think Iron Man 2 was available on streaming, but the first one wasn't (at least back a few months ago).


Edit: Just saw your other post. Yup, maybe they swapped it out or something.

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dont watch TV

go get advanced degree from college with extra time




two advanced degrees, still want to watch movies/tv...



And at least it is good to know that the problem isnt just that I suck at Netflix... it really has serious flaws... I guess if i want to watch movies, I will have to stick to paying /view from Amazon/Sony/etc...

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If you buy a lot of stuff online (or want to start doing so) get Amazon Prime. $79 for a year and you get free 2-day shipping on anything Prime-eligible, $3.99 next day shipping per item on anything Prime-eligible and access to all of their instant streaming stuff. I don't use the instant streaming because it's not on my Xbox 360 or WDTV Live but if you're watching stuff on a laptop/your computer a lot anyway then it might be worth it. Their library is as big as Netflix's now if not bigger. They just need to get on more devices.
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I had it for a month with the intention of getting rid of cable since I can get espn through the xbox. And all the stuff I saw on Hulu plus (on my computer) was pretty 'decent', most of what I watched. But then when I ran my xbox hulu app or my smart TV hulu app it didn't have crap. It has like musicals from 1970 no one ever watched.


Called hulu and they said its because the 'broadcasting' rights to most of their shows was for 'computers' only. If you are running through the xbox or the TV they don't have the rights for that yet. So they have to go through and get the rights for everything, said it might take a few YEARS before its all the same


No thanks.

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I've been using Netflix for a while now. It's nice if you find a show you really like and take some time watching through all of the seasons. I've gotten somewhat bored of the movie selection through streaming but I do find something good that I haven't seen before once a week. I like a lot of different types of movies though for different reasons so I can justify it. I just wish it was still 9 a month for DVD and Streaming.


I have a friend that has Hulu Plus and he likes it a lot but I don't have any first hand experience with it.

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We love netflix. We use it almost exclusivly for the online material. We however dont look for newer movies often.


We watch it for the TONS of mini series, TV shows we have always loved and enjoyed of the past, and documentaries (im not talking about how sand is formed type documentaries) You have to be willing to give and take, when getting rid of cable.


So far we havent gone full out on getting rid of it, we want F1, and a few other things we just arent ready to give up yet, but it wouldnt take much if these were offered legally online with a pay service that was better than Cable..

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Wild Wonderful Whites of West Virginia, best documentary EVAR


Watch the one that was made in the 80's that was mainly about Jesco. Me and a few guys from work somehow found Mammy and Jesco's mom's phone number and called it. Sure enough Mammy answered the phone and talked to us for a good 20 minutes just shootin the shit.

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