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Should women get birth control free?


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I think it has been explained well enough that "the pill" helps with more than controling pregnancy. Well, it is still called birth control....not fix your fucked up face, free cramp control, or make your period feel better. I know its not the feds paying for it. No person, male or female, should draw welfare without a vasectomy or historectomy before getting a check funded from my taxes. What can I get with no out of pocket cost being a middle aged non smoking male? Absolutly nothing because tricare sucks. Every military person on this forum, past or present will agree that they have had a problem at one time with tricare. I dont care that it is election year. Our state and federal government still fails the working classes.
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I get thousands of dollars in tax breaks every year for having children and a mortgage. I get tax breaks via a 401k, 529, and a Roth. And those are just the big ones. I'm a government mooch to a degree that would make most welfare recipients blush. And most middle class white people are in my boat. Everyone needs to take a hard look at all the government programs they use before they make crazy arguments like breeding licenses or forced sterilization.
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I get thousands of dollars in tax breaks every year for having children and a mortgage. I get tax breaks via a 401k, 529, and a Roth. And those are just the big ones. I'm a government mooch to a degree that would make most welfare recipients blush. And most middle class white people are in my boat. Everyone needs to take a hard look at all the government programs they use before they make crazy arguments like breeding licenses or forced sterilization.





The amount of money I spend to care for my kids---far offsets any 'bone' the govt throws my way. When you raise a child properly, you stimulate the economy. Think about it. I have 3 kids uner age 5. Our grocery bill alone is $200 per week and we still eat out a ton. Clothing, toys, entertainment, childcare, healthcare, etc etc. This all adds up. Back in the '90's they calculated that it costs $225k to raise a child from 0-18 years. I would argue that number has increased significantly in 20 years


Success breeds success. Shit breeds shit. Through modern medicine (and with the help of the govt) we've reversed darwinism. People who are the most fit to reproduce have fewer kids. Dumbass fucking idiots who leach off the system have more kids. If you prevent the fuctards from having 6 kids, eventually those who are more fit will outnumber the leaches and this country can move forward and progress

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Even if birth control was covered by a third entity, I'd guess the women who society would most want to use it would still be the least likely to use it.


*Caveat: I haven't read the entire thread, so my apologies if I've just reiterated what someone's already said.

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Rigth now I feel like women should give up more sex if we give up more BC


this is a great idea


This is a smart man right here. ^


These guys must be doing something wrong.

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The amount of money I spend to care for my kids---far offsets any 'bone' the govt throws my way.


Rich people have to pay higher taxes so that we can get our various "bones." That's an indisputable fact. Rich people also do much more to stimulate the economy than us middle class slobs. So I guess the rich would be justified in demanding that we meet certain criteria of "worthiness" before we're allowed to have children?


What I'm hearing is that it has less to do with the dollar amount of government aid someone gets, and more about their value to society. So what you want to do is give the giant, inefficient government we have the power to spend multi-billions of dollars to create a department which will be responsible for judging a person's value to society and using the ensuing determination to issue licenses to have children.


There's a country that does that already. It's called China.


When did everyone around here become a communist? I'm surrounded by communists!

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Rich people have to pay higher taxes so that we can get our various "bones." That's an indisputable fact. Rich people also do much more to stimulate the economy than us middle class slobs. So I guess the rich would be justified in demanding that we meet certain criteria of "worthiness" before we're allowed to have children?


What I'm hearing is that it has less to do with the dollar amount of government aid someone gets, and more about their value to society. So what you want to do is give the giant, inefficient government we have the power to spend multi-billions of dollars to create a department which will be responsible for judging a person's value to society and using the ensuing determination to issue licenses to have children.


There's a country that does that already. It's called China.


When did everyone around here become a communist? I'm surrounded by communists!


If you require govt money (that comes from taxpayers) to sustain yourself, then you have no business having a child (at that time). Pretty simple concept. No huge billion dollar department necessary. Depo provera is pretty cheap, has very few side effects, and can be administered by any medical technician. Simple concept---you want govt aid? You get the shot every three months so that you're not bringing an extra mouth into the world for hard working taxpayers to feed.


Sure, people have the right to do what they want with their body. Then the govt has the right to say "no free handout for you". Yeah, I'm bitter when I look at my w2 and see how much charity I've donated to this fucked up system, take no deductions, and still owe $20k more at the end of the year.

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If you require govt money (that comes from taxpayers) to sustain yourself, then you have no business having a child (at that time). Pretty simple concept. No huge billion dollar department necessary. Depo provera is pretty cheap, has very few side effects, and can be administered by any medical technician. Simple concept---you want govt aid? You get the shot every three months so that you're not bringing an extra mouth into the world for hard working taxpayers to feed.


Sure, people have the right to do what they want with their body. Then the govt has the right to say "no free handout for you". Yeah, I'm bitter when I look at my w2 and see how much charity I've donated to this fucked up system, take no deductions, and still owe $20k more at the end of the year.


I agree 100% but then people always say that its the natural thing and then bring religon in.

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Rich people have to pay higher taxes so that we can get our various "bones." That's an indisputable fact. Rich people also do much more to stimulate the economy than us middle class slobs.


Most rich people have a tax liability that is much lower than those in the middle class. Please explain your indisputable fact.


Rich people are rich because they know how to do things like this. Rich people also do much less (per dollar of income) to stimulate the economy than the middle class, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck.

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Most rich people have a tax liability that is much lower than those in the middle class. Please explain your indisputable fact.


Rich people are rich because they know how to do things like this. Rich people also do much less (per dollar of income) to stimulate the economy than the middle class, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck.


In terms of real dollars, not % of income.


I agree with your second statement as well. I was just parroting the republican talking point that the rich are job creators. Trickle down economics and all that.

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Most rich people have a tax liability that is much lower than those in the middle class. Please explain your indisputable fact.


Rich people are rich because they know how to do things like this. Rich people also do much less (per dollar of income) to stimulate the economy than the middle class, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck.


This is false. Their effective marginal rate will be lower, but in terms of dollars, their liability is much much higher.


Also, they are paying much higher on their actual earned income, it's the SSDI cap and capital gains that lower their effective rate so much.

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Guest CARkid
The way i see it, my tax dollars are going to be collected, and spent regardless. So if its going to towards a couple hundred bucks a year for birth control, or thousands of dollars a year to have some kid be on welfare because mom cant take care of it, ill go with the pills. Not to mention, it will drastically cut down on a number of abortions by keeping women who dont want to get pregnant from being pregnant in the first place...that should make those religous extremists happy.


Well put






Even better put

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