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Tubes in kids ears?


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didn't hurt me one damn bit.


Now that's funny.


there was a thread a while back on ear tubes where dr. (p)rick tried to convince people ear tubes were horrible.


Lol, took the words right out of my fingers. I would read his post, think something, then you would post it. I was thinking 'so he's studied and done/read (credible) research in this area.. I'm guessing no'. No good doctor (DO, MD, Psy. D, etc.) would ever give medical advice to patients, or even off the cuff advice like that to anyone based on their own anecdotal evidence, a few non-medical books they've read and their own belief system.


They again, he is a 'doctor' that didn't vaccinate his kids so they wouldn't end up autistic. :dumb: I have a general understanding that medicine is not an exact science and many aliments there is more than one way to treat.... but come-on, goats milk! WTF was that guy smoking?


Here's to hoping I don't run into him in Hawaii. :fa:

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Actually had this done to me when I was a kid. Had trouble hearing my parents from up the stairs, so they had me checked out and I had em done. Was asleep for whole procedure. No pains whatsoever. Never felt a thing other than a good high coming off the gas
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I can't remember all of the details... but one of my good friends recently (within the last few years) had a (benign) tumor removed from one of his ears, I'm pretty sure as the result of scar tissue from lots of ear infections when he was younger. He had reconstructive surgery to repair the inner ear damage at the same time. It doesn't have an extremely high success rate. His first reconstruction didn't take and he had to have a second one. He now has a permanent and significant disability in that ear.


I had this exact same problem and surgery. Lucky for me it was a success. Healing was painful though.

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So what determines whether they get tubes or not? My son is 9 months and he is on his 5th round of a different antibiotic for an ear infection. It doesn't really seem to bother him, but he can't seem to kick these damn ear infections.


Anyone know if diet relates to this in anyway?

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Anyone know if diet relates to this in anyway?


I've heard goats milk helps. :gabe:


IDK what the deciding factors are. Like Kirk said in the other thread, you'll want to talk to an ENT specialist, or even just your regular doctor to see if they think you should go see one. AFAIK nobody here is in the field so it's really just anecdotal stories.


If an ENT (or two) says they need them, it really seems like a no-brainier.

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