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no front license plate?


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For the laser-based speed clocking devices to have a reliable surface to bounce their signal on.


Like the windshield or, I don't know, the actual front of the car wouldn't suffice?


I despise front plates and I refuse to put them on any self-respecting vehicle. I willingly accept any tickets I get for not having my front plates and consider those fines a luxury tax for not having to defile the front of my car with a plate.

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Like the windshield or, I don't know, the actual front of the car wouldn't suffice?


I despise front plates and I refuse to put them on any self-respecting vehicle. I willingly accept any tickets I get for not having my front plates and consider those fines a luxury tax for not having to defile the front of my car with a plate.





I've gotten 1 in 10 years of driving every car with no front plate. (knock on wood) A worthwhile expenditure to save my eyes from the ugly.

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F front plates.


I heard Tilley and Jones love front plates...put them shits on with 22mm lag bolts.



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I've gotten 1 in 10 years of driving every car with no front plate. (knock on wood) A worthwhile expenditure to save my eyes from the ugly.


Pretty much the same here. I think I got ticketed for no front plates once in the Cobra and then I got one when I had the Benz. (Never got one with the Vette.) While I concede that not running a front plate gives the police a reason to pull me over (and subsequently give me a hard time and a ticket, if they like), I still feel like the benefit outweighs the costs.

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For the laser-based speed clocking devices to have a reliable surface to bounce their signal on.


This is a myth. Laser and radar require curved surfaces to work. That's why the F117 was all flat panels. A flat surface will only reflect a signal back to its source if it's exactly perpendicular to it, but a sphere will always reflect some portion of the signal back.



The real reason is pretty simple - meter maids and cops can get your tag number from multiple angles. They might not use it very often, but it costs the state nothing to require it and it can potentially make someone's job easier.

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I get a $45 ticket once every 2 months I bet for not having a plate here on campus. I tell the meter maid they can keep writing them cause in not putting a plate on the front of any of my cars.


if you're continuously getting caught....thats no good.

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I get a $45 ticket once every 2 months I bet for not having a plate here on campus. I tell the meter maid they can keep writing them cause in not putting a plate on the front of any of my cars.


Do you have a front plate you could at least throw on the front dash when it's parked? I've done that before and it's saved me some tickets from the meter nazis.

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this is a ridiculous law. another government power grab.


This is usually how I see it.


Admittedly, I try my best to see it from a law enforcement perspective. Like, front plates allow police to more easily identify a car. I get that. But, in practice, does it really matter? There's a speeding car leaving a bank that's just been robbed - do we really need that license plate number, or will a general description of the car (e.g., "It's the blue sedan that is currently leaving the bank at a high rate of speed and money flying out the windows") suffice? As many times as I've thought of it, I can't quite grasp the true utility in front plates from a law enforcement perspective. Maybe it's because I'm not a cop. But, in the end, I (cynically) conclude that front plates are mandatory just to help make money for the government.

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But, in practice, does it really matter? There's a speeding car leaving a bank that's just been robbed - do we really need that license plate number, or will a general description of the car (e.g., "It's the blue sedan that is currently leaving the bank at a high rate of speed and money flying out the windows") suffice? As many times as I've thought of it, I can't quite grasp the true utility in front plates from a law enforcement perspective. Maybe it's because I'm not a cop. But, in the end, I (cynically) conclude that front plates are mandatory just to help make money for the government.


Let's say a cop sees some shit go down in a car and he grabs the driver and throws him down on the sidewalk just in front of the car. While the guy's on the ground he calls in on his little shoulder radio thing with the license plate to see if the guy has a registered firearm or something.


I have no idea if that's the sort of thing cops do, but if he's standing in front of the car and the front plate is there, then it's a time-saver. Otherwise he needs to cuff the guy and move him to the rear of the car. Or search the suspect for a wallet. But instead he calls it in right away and can get on with the search while they're running the plates for warrants or weapons or stolen vehicles or whatever.


Is it the biggest deal in the world? Probably not. But if I were a cop and I had to choose between a world with no front plates and a world with front plates, I'd choose with, because why not?

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Let's say a cop sees some shit go down in a car and he grabs the driver and throws him down on the sidewalk just in front of the car. While the guy's on the ground he calls in on his little shoulder radio thing with the license plate to see if the guy has a registered firearm or something.


I have no idea if that's the sort of thing cops do, but if he's standing in front of the car and the front plate is there, then it's a time-saver. Otherwise he needs to cuff the guy and move him to the rear of the car. Or search the suspect for a wallet. But instead he calls it in right away and can get on with the search while they're running the plates for warrants or weapons or stolen vehicles or whatever.


Is it the biggest deal in the world? Probably not. But if I were a cop and I had to choose between a world with no front plates and a world with front plates, I'd choose with, because why not?


because minivans

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Let's say a cop sees some shit go down in a car and he grabs the driver and throws him down on the sidewalk just in front of the car. While the guy's on the ground he calls in on his little shoulder radio thing with the license plate to see if the guy has a registered firearm or something.


I have no idea if that's the sort of thing cops do, but if he's standing in front of the car and the front plate is there, then it's a time-saver. Otherwise he needs to cuff the guy and move him to the rear of the car. Or search the suspect for a wallet. But instead he calls it in right away and can get on with the search while they're running the plates for warrants or weapons or stolen vehicles or whatever.


Is it the biggest deal in the world? Probably not. But if I were a cop and I had to choose between a world with no front plates and a world with front plates, I'd choose with, because why not?


I get what you're saying, I just don't buy it. To use your example, I'm fairly sure the cop who is in the process of restraining the suspected perpetrator isn't going to stop and ask for a tag to be run in the process of subduing him. Instead, I think logic would dictate that, after the perpetrator is subdued/controlled (e.g., handcuffed and placed in the back of a car), there will be plenty of time to check the tag on the back of his car.


Theoretically, sure, front plates are a time-saver. So would mandating that people wear their ID's stapled to their foreheads, but we don't do that and yet still manage to identify people without too much of a problem.


No, it's not the biggest deal in the world. A lot of shit we complain about it's that big of a deal. Doesn't mean it's not relevant though. And, simply saying it's not a big deal doesn't justify a bad use of front plates, does it?


Just so you know, I'm not some anti-cop/government-libertarian-compound-in-Montana guy. I just fail to see how front plates truly assist law enforcement officials. You saying it saves them time makes sense in theory, but doesn't quite pan out in my head when I consider the practicality of it.


No offense meant by any of this. You come across as an intelligent guy and I respect a lot of what you post. I don't want to shut down an intelligent conversation by having someone misperceive this as flaming.

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