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Kony 2012

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Not my country not my problem... Please tell me how this directly effects me enough to really want to get involved. I mean would these people come to my aid if I was dying in the gutter somewhere? We already have enough problems in America than to spend more money fighting another third world countries battles, besides we arent the world police. Edited by Big Chief201
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Not my country not my problem... Please tell me how this directly effects me enough to really want to get involved. I mean would these people come to my aid if I was dying in the gutter somewhere? We already have enough problems in America that to spend more money fighting another third world countries battles, besides we arent the world police.



I think I am right with you in feeling this way. Our government gets too involved in issues of other fucking countries. I kinda feel like fix your shit before you go fixing someone else(s).

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Yesterday, around 4:00 PM


Coworker - "You seen this Kony 2012 thing?"

Me - "Is it a race series?"

Coworker - "No, it's all over Facebook. Something in Africa."

Me - "Nope. Don't give a fuck."

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Okay I'm done, lololo

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I used to care. Clinton cared, and we had Blackhawk Down. Bush kinda cared, and we had Iraq.


Go sell crazy somewhere else, Steven...'cuz we're all stocked up in hurr.



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Atrocities? Yes. Terrible? Yes. Solution that solves problem? Not to be found. There are horrific, worthless bastards that will inflict unspeakable acts of terror upon those who cannot defend themselves. In most of these places the displacement of one warlord or corrupt government only serves as a promotion for some other scumbag or group of. I'm not saying I don't care about such matters, because I do, but what can we realistically do that solves the problem. We've tried arming insurgents to fight for themselves before, didn't turn out so well. We've removed dictators and terrorists from power before, some of whom we may or may not have appointed.


Why didn't The Devil Came On Horseback get a similar Facebook push?

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" The video itself is a good piece of emotional porn but that's about it. It's honestly NOT worth the 30 minutes when you find out somethings about the organization that is doing this [invisible Children].


First of all, the guy who made that film get's paid $90,000 a year. That's for him and his family. This does not include him paying costs for film equipment, video editting software, nor does it cover travel or accomodations whilst in anywhere else. Those are all covered under the ludicrous budgets that the Invisible Children organization actually deal with. Let's go to that now. Here are some expenses from CharityNavigator.:


Compensation of Leaders | % of Compensation relative to amount of money made by IC | Title

$88,241 | 0.99% | Ben Keesey - CEO

$89,669 | 1.00% | Jason Russell - Co-Founder/Filmmaker

$84,377 | 0.94% | Laren Poole - Co-Founder/Filmmaker



Total Contributions: $10,334,060

Program Service Revenue: $3,423,351

Total Primary Revenue: $13,757,411

Other Revenue $7,769

TOTAL REVENUE: $13,765,180



Program Expenses: $7,163,384

Administrative Expenses: $1,444,570

Fundraising Expenses: $286,678


Payments to Affiliates $0 Excess (Or deficit) for the year: $4,870,548

Net Assets $6,584,811


As if that isn't bad enough, they've refused to Co-operate with the Better Business Bureau, Their transparancy rating is fairly low on Charity Navigator, and allegations of fraud.


Besides, they make a fairly large point about sending money to the Ugandan Military. This is a big no no for a couple of reasons. First of all, Kony isn't even in Uganda. Funding a military that has no real authority over another country to LOOK in other countries, is a moronic idea to begin with. Secondly, the Ugandan military is already using this as an excuse to enter other countries and exploit resources from surrouding areas. The Government of Uganda is full of criminals that are worse than Kony himself. Not to mention the bloody PRESIDENT of Uganda is responsible for millions of deaths. Then you've got allegations coming out that Kony is already dead. The LRA (Konys ragtag bunch of assholes) isn't that large, or all that active.

The worst thing about Invisible Children (In my opinion) is that they lobbies for DIRECT MILITARY INTERVENTION IN AFRICA. After all of the terrorist hunts in the Middle East, and having troops stuck in Afghanistan and Iraq, don't you think that the people would have learned by now that having troops in another country to hunt one asshole isn't exactly the best idea? Especially when some of the Republicans believe that invading Iran is a fairly good idea at the moment. There are SERIOUS issues with this group, issues that people are overlooking. I will admit that at first I was already on Twitter and ready to bitch at people about the injustice that's being served in other countries and then I decided to look into the organization. The information is there, and willing, but people are fearful to even look. Fearful, lazy, or just swept up by the movement. Injustice exists in the world. It is damn stupid, and it sucks ass, but that's the nature of this planet at the moment. Humanity, since rising from the primordial ooze, has killed people over far less than anything you could imagine. Then there's the fact that if Kony is alive, and the ICC, or International Criminals Court, manages to put him on trial, what's it going to achieve? Numerous war criminals have stood trial before the ICC. This isn't a game of chess. You don't topple a pawn and move on. The pawns replicate. It's like fighting a hydra. If you slice off one head, more are going to pop up in it's place. You remove one player, and 10 others will appear. Hell, there's a case to be made that awareness driven ngos perpetuate the current state of afafairs and are an intergral part of the current system of global unfairness. They offer placebos for guilty consciences and as such, they don't change anything. If you think of large entites such as Global Corporations, conglomorates and powerful nation states that capitalize on injustice, corruption and disorganization and exploit the poor for their resources and manpower, the best thing that could happen to them are programs such as this. There's a lot of reasons why Invisible Children has a good idea of what they're doing, but FAR too much on the opposite sides of the scales to tip myself (and no doubt others) into not bothering with this group and it's practices.

Information retrieved by use of google, and a variety of different comments spread across Kony2012 post comment fields.


EDIT: A couple of things to note


1) The majority of this post is my beliefs and some facts. I made an opinion and people are saying things, and giving me 'praise' (Can't think of another word) for something that I posted to shut some people up as well as state my opinion.


2) I'm not saying do nothing, which is what half of the people who commented to this post seem to believe. I'm saying that there are many ways you can help the world be a better place rather than subscribing to an organization which seems a bit shady at best. Amnesty International is one, as well as Doctors Without Borders.


3) For the love of God, read the entire thing before you comment. I had my message box flooded with posts saying "You're getting mad over them paying themselves a perfectly normal, reasonable amount of money?" That is NOT THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMENT. While I do not agree with getting paid $90k, which is twice the average income per year in America, that's not what I'm getting at. What I'm getting at is that Invisible Children is an organization that you should think twice about before having any dealings with. If you want to, then that is entirely up to you. I'm just trying to put some facts out there as well as stating my opinion that I am well within my rights to do so. Now. I'm going to bed. It's 4:30 in the morning and I've spent the better part of the past hour and a half going through comments to this comment and trying to explain myself and I'm exhausted. Good night and do whatever you believe is right."


Summary: There are better places to waste your money, and the KONY movement isn't one of them.

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we have been given a lot, therefore a lot is expected of us as Americans. Anyone one of us could have been born a sudanese child. Reading the "0 fucks given" responses worry me. Now, i don't claim to be an activist or perfect person when it comes to having compassion for people, but once you have seen that shit in person, its pretty hard to "give 0 fucks" for the African people as a whole. Much like many people in this thread and the world, i want something to be done, but don't have a solution. This KONY2012 is not a solution, but simply awareness.
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we have been given a lot, therefore a lot is expected of us as Americans. Anyone one of us could have been born a sudanese child. Reading the "0 fucks given" responses worry me. Now, i don't claim to be an activist or perfect person when it comes to having compassion for people, but once you have seen that shit in person, its pretty hard to "give 0 fucks" for the African people as a whole. Much like many people in this thread and the world, i want something to be done, but don't have a solution. This KONY2012 is not a solution, but simply awareness.


If you want something done take your money over there and fix the problem if you care so much. Just don't use my tax dollars to fund your feel good campaign when we have plenty of "feel good" causes to get behind in the US. Just go through downtown Cleveland, Linden North, or take a stroll around Parsons Ave. near Childrens.

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If you want something done take your money over there and fix the problem if you care so much. Just don't use my tax dollars to fund your feel good campaign when we have plenty of "feel good" causes to get behind in the US. Just go through downtown Cleveland, Linden North, or take a stroll around Parsons Ave. near Childrens.


This right here is the boom headshot moment of this thread brought to you by Kony. Kony, never send a man to do a kids job...

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